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I'm public speaking on saturday about my life and my challenges but how can I have the confidence to say it with pride

Simply Speak with confidence, Show them you have pride and love your life speak in different tones as in to represent sad times in life.. Speak Softly, to Represent Pride, Speak with Leadership, Determination, Confidence etc.. -Alex

How do you believe in yourself more?

think of things you done and achieved in life no matter how small they may be, Think of "if you don't do something that you may regret it in the future" Think of that awesome moment you will get when you done something you weren't so sure about, think of the good things in life, think of people that Inspires you as a person and who you are. think of Nike "Just do it". THINK OF YOLO

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No they wont trust me My class mates told me "to bad you didn't die when you had your heart surgery because no one wants you" but i guess i'll learn to forgive and forget

when they say that you can reply "Nope i didn't die the doctors were amazing, they done a great job".. Simply show your not bothered by what they say I PROMISE they will stop if you show your not bother by them

But the whole bullying has been going on since i was in grade 2 and survived open heart surgery. They still make fun of my scar. It's not good.

Well its a scar. in Ireland if you had a scar everyone would be like "OMG your so cool!" but tell them what you went through and say to them that they should be ashamed and feel guilty, then they will feel bad for what they have done.. that should make them back off..

Hi :) I'm a freshman in highschool and I really like a senior. I talked to him once in person and once online, but I'm not sure what else to do. (We dont have classes together, and he always seems to be with his friends.) He has an ask and he said before he wouldn't date a freshman.Should I give up?

OK, in a time like this what i'd do is... Have one last Push ! it seems like you haven't really got his Attention, So maybe if you talk to him Online a little more get to know him a "LITTLE" bit more, not much just a little you don't want to over do things, and maybe ask him like "Hey would should hang out sometime" if his reply is yes, then that's it, you have your chance to get to know him a even more to the stage where you talk all the time and hang out.. that's when you make your move to try get alone with him and do things together.. if his reply is No, you cant hang out with him or anything along those lines then i just suggest you move on.. if you need anymore help with this anything just simply reply back to me starting your question with "Alex," thanks and hope i helped -Alex

Hello. i've been dealing with a group of bully's because of the way i looked i've tried everything to get them to stop but nothing works what do you think i should do?

the best thing to do is to show them that they don't annoy you (even though they may be annoying you) just when they are bullying you give the impression that it doesn't bother you because the only reason they bully you is because they get a reaction out of you. if you show no reaction and "what ever or laugh it off" attitude then they will soon get bored and stop! i promise this! hope i help -Alex

my friends always ask me why i'm so quiet or sad and i don't want to tell them because it's not something i want to share with everyone, but it's irritating for them to ask all the time, what should i do?

Just explain to them that it's your choice whether or not you tell them and you don't want to because its none of their business and ask them to back off and stop pestering you about it
Bry x

(O) does age matter when it comes to relationship's at ages 13-18?

No not really, I'm in a relationship with Pippa she's 13 (14 in May) and I'm 17, granted people hate the fact about that but if you really love each other you don't care what people think of you (Owen)

Does it hurt to have a piss after having sex?

Straight after or a while after? Because if it stings to urinate a possible reason could be due to std's (Owen)

(O) I'm 13 years old, and want to start getting more muscles, I already do as many push ups I can do everyday around 50, but want to start getting more muscles, advice?

Gain weight because then you have more fat to build into muscle, drink protein shakes + eat fish because Protein is needed for muscles to repair and try push yourself to do more push ups and work out more (Owen)

(O) I also need to remember that it takes time to lose it not overnight or il get myself down again! Thank you for your help sir! that is much appreciated! :) I shall do! :))

That's okay :) (Owen)
Liked by: Alex Rfc Balogac

(O) Ok my friend, thank you for your help. That is muchly appreciated! :) I will put this into action and I can report back each week with the results!. Is that ok?

That's fine! :) Just remember to keep setting targets for yourself :) (Owen)
Liked by: Alex Rfc Balogac

(O) Well basically whenever my stomach grumbles I eat, whenever it doesn't i don't. I just do enough to get by, as long as you say this is ok then i am happy! :)

Yeah :) I would also recommend going to a gym because they turn your fat in your body into muscle so you could lose weight and be quite toned too :) (Owen)
Liked by: Alex Rfc Balogac

My mums got cancer so has my brother and my dad leaves all the time I feel use less I want to die,I'm getting loads of hate as well. What should I do?

Why are you getting hate from this? (Owen)


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