
Advice And Teen Support

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Never claimed to be a professional so I don't know where you got that quote from Lizzie you illiterate twat. But thanks for thinking of me as one. No, I'm just a well meaning person that realizes you are all to young to be doing this and some day you will realize it too

Right, just fuck off, you utter twat! You may mean well but you're basically saying you can't experience anything if you're 13. Look down. Some of the people who have asked for advice have been as young as 10 or 11. Also, it's Pippa's choice if she tells you what she's been through. It's none of your business. Personally, I think Pippa gives amazing advice as do a lot of people if you read some of the compliments she's been given. If you don't like that we're 13 ask Alex or Owen. Or just don't come on this page. Simple as. Goodbye, Prick
Liked by: Sarcastic Twat

You bitches honestly think you're mature enough to give life advice? Come off it. Do your parents know you're up to this. Exactly.

I'm pretty sure my parents do actually:-)

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:( make up i wear skirts i cant :(((((( jeans and a hoodie <3 maybe i wasnt cut out to be a girl:(

Hmm xx

(P) :( but she might help me she has before loads :) i trust her no atter what thanks for the help i appreciate it :)))))))))))))) <3

My pleasure, did I help? <3

I'm the one asking to join silly <3 I got your back against these insensitive people who don't care what anyone goes through, sweetie pies, ik you can see this, maturity doesn't come with age, its experience, so say what you want but I have had councilling and sometimes my best help comes from p xx


(P) any ideas tips even i really need to act and be more like a girl

Ermm, start wearing skirts&make-up? x

maybe you should put in your bio how old you are and if people dont want advice then get lost because i do >:/ no need to hate on these kids because they are helping other people like i said before if you dont like it leave simple

Thankyouu, have done now <3

(P) depends on what ? what can they do if i did tell her about my thoughts?

Just counseling from what I know x

Right, get off this wall now, you insensitive person, if you're a 'professional' than you obv wouldn't say crap about them, I know what p has been through so pack your bag and go complain to someone else, she has more problems than you could imagine, I admire this girl for giving advice so shd u!

Lizzie,didn't know you were on this:')<3

(P) cant trust any one these days i might just talk to my teacher i trust her but what might she do??

All depends x

Nah I'm not old or bald I'm a couple of years older then you and far more mature also I agree with the guy that is giving out about this page

Listen, I've been through enough, more than alot of people. I'm not taking the page down, if you don't like it, ignore and forget us. Ok? We've actually helped people in the past x

(P) but if i did go and said ho wi feel do you think they could help? i need to be more like a girl and not a boy

Yeah x

Experience in stuff? What her boyfriend broke up with her once? Cop on. I'm sick of young girls that think they have been thru "stuff" no you fucking haven't! These people have real problems and you are not responsible enuf to be giving advice. You're not old euf to have sum1s life in ur hands

You don't think we've had problems too? I'm not even gonna go into it. Just fuck off.

(P) hat should i do what would you do?if you had suicidal thoughts ?

Talk to someone I trusted, listen to music, look at old photo's. You'll realize all the good times :-) x


Language: English