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I have a girlfriend but I never know what to say? :/

Try talking about random things, like what you both like doing x

I feel like a boy, I'm 13. I've always been a tomboy but I'm at a girls school and I hate it. No one knows how I feel, I'm too scared to even tell my closest friends. I'm attracted to girls because I HATE the thought of going out with a boy it feels so wrong to me and I don't know what to do :'(

Well, it sounds like you're a lesbian to me, and you shouldn't be ashamed of who you are I've said this lots of time but sexual orientation isn't a choice, it's who a persona is and if your friends are actually your friends they'll accept you no matter what (Owen)

It is okay, I like ask.fm any questions or comments I get that are considered as bullying I just delete ;P Thanks tho :) x

Good idea&pleasure, hope I helped? x

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Why do I feel so insecure? Why is it I won't go out without makeup? Why do I feel like Im being judged all the time? Like Im not pretty enough? It's not fair.

Everyone feels like this at some point in life. But you are beautiful, you don't need make-up. And everyone is judged on appearance xx

I dont want to turn 14 Im being serious and everyone thinks Im joking Ive been going to this place for 3 years but you can only go until your 13 Its the only place I can be myself and its tearing me apart to think I cant go there ever again when I'm 14 an I don't know what to do -can Owen answer plz

Isn't there a place like that that you can go to over the age of 13? And what is this place and why do you rely on it so much? (Owen)

My best friend has recently committed suicidel due to bullying and I can't cope on my own:'( my parents won't accept me for who I am (lesbian) they think I'm 'vile' and discusting' and told me to move out when I'm 16:'/ I can't cope anymore:( x

First of all, R.I.P<3
Secondly, they need time to get used to the idea of who you are, all parents want the child to do "what they say" and "what they want". Just give them time xx

ive only met this guy once, but i think i like him, what do i do?

Tell him that you like him and then see where it goes from there (Owen)

I self harm cos i am a bisexual so I'm bullied my mate killed herself and I have a lot of problems

Okay, why do you self harm because you're bi? Aren't you happy with yourself? (Owen)

Im fostered and i hate it, i dont feel like i have a family and i cry at the though that everyone else has parents and they have normal lives, but recently ive been having suicidel thoughts about if i kill myself now the sooner i will have a normal life and have a family i dont know what to do?

They're your family, a family isn't blood-related, its love that makes a family. Please don't commit, Suicide is a long-term situation, this can be short. Stay strong! <3

Thanks I'm just really worrid what if they come up to me and say it what should I say? I'm 13 and terrified xx

Ignore them beautiful xx

i have a boyfriend and im bi, i havnt told him, i tried to bring it up in convo but he basically said he doesnt agree with what bisexual people stand for, i duno what to you.

Just be honest with him, if he isn't okay with the fact you're bi then leave him. You can't change your sexual orientation so he either has to accept you or go (Owen)

Naa not told anyone really.. but it is fine, it has calmed down lately.. tbh, I only get it a bit in person but a lot anonymously on ask.fm :/

Delete your ask, may help a little x

On Monday I got called a player by a boy in the year above me because I said no when he asked me out I'm worried when I go back to school tomorrow that he will get all his friends to call it me as well I don't want to tell anyone as my mum doesn't like me talkin to boys what should I say If they do?

Your mum is bound to be like that, your her little girl. And ignore the boys, you know you're not a player so stay strong and stay beautiful x

i tryed masturbating the other day (im a girl) and i had a orgasm i think and white stuff came out, what is it?

More than likely cum

Im Worried because I think I'm bi-sexual but both my parents hate gays/lesbians/bisexuals I don't know what to do:'/ xx

If they are your parent's then they'll love you no matter what your sexual orientation is. Trust me, you can't change who you are sexual orientation isn't a choice. It's who a person is and your parents will just have to accept you for who you are (Owen)

I self harm and I'm 13 I told a boy I like him 2 years ago and today I found out he's been string me along for two years...I wanna die..

Why do you self harm? And you shouldn't want to die because of a boy, trust me you'll find another boy, a better boy that'll treat you like the princess you actually are (Owen)

I tried to ignore them and laugh it off, but it has been going on for a year or more? :/

That's definitely classed as bullying then, have you told someone about the names? x

when will I start my period? I'm twelve?

Most girls start about 12, but can start as early as 8. You might even be 16 when you start, don't worry. x

What do I do if people are calling me something I am not? for example, "Tamil & Gay"

You ignore them and laugh at them ~Alex

(3) me talk to anyone and it was driving me insane. I had to stay with him because he wouldn't let me end it. I finally ended it with him 4 months after and I can honestly say that's the worst I've been but even after that I couldn't stop cutting because it was getting addictive and it felt good and

Do you wanna talk privately? xx

I think what you're doing is great. I hope you can continue to help many people, good luck. And to anyone who needs help, please stay strong, feel free to ask me if you like, not to take the light from these great people, just an offer, stay strong everyone♥

Thank you very much! :) (Owen)
Liked by: Leah.


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