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Does sexual harrassment only happens in Egypt and Arab Countries? because I live in Egypt and here 93% of women face sexual harassment everyday and it's actually bothering all the girls and women! so how do you protect yourself from that? and what are the other countries that face the same problem?

It's in almost ever country. It is highly illegal here in the USA and happens often but not as often as Egypt. The people who are harassed usually fight back and run away.
I'm so sorry you have to deal with this
:( I'm here if you want to talk
-Jackie <3

one of my really close friends just recently had a party but did not invite me. i don't understand i thought we were friends and she invited a bunch of other people...

Did you ask them about the party and ask why you weren't invited? Because if you didn't, you should. It might save you some worries

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im having abit of trouble finding myself. Im not popular but im also not a non-popular im sorta in the middle. Im figuring out more about my religion, who i wanna be, who i wanna be friends with

This is where you begin to really find out who you are, and it is an amazing time! Don't let people persuade you into doing anything.. just go with your gut feeling and let it figure out itself! :) - Jake

Have you ever had that one friend who tryss so hard to get in with the populars? It can get so annoying at btime. My friend liked almost 50 of there things

It is very annoying, and my opinion is just like.. stop it dude, just stick with us :P - Jake

that moment when you thought you knew someone for more then 7 years, turns out to be completly different...

People sometimes take years to show their true colours - Jake

Thanks and please can you take those questions down about that she'll see it and don't answer this just take them down please and thank you

We'll take them all down if you tell us which ones they are? :) - Jake

Jackie, I hear my parents "doing it..." It's fucking scary and idk what to do lol I feel so akward...

That is an awkward situation! Try to listen I music and watch tv. Try to distract yourself from it. I'm sorry you have to hear that.
-Jackie <3

I think I'm ready to commit tonight, I just wanted to say thankyou for all the advice you've given me but I can't do it anymore, bye

No no no! You need to stay! You where put here for a reason and that reason is not to leave!
-Jackie <3

Hi, you see: weeks ago a girl used me to get her exbf jealous. Went on dates (which I paid), sms and all. Yesterday she told me is over and said goodbye. I never wanted a relationship in the first place, yet I just couldn't deny her. Im all confused and depressed now and my sis is mad at me, help!:(

Talk to your sister and family about this! They will support you! Forget the girl. (Karma)
-Jackie <3

I'm 52 days clean but I think I'm going to fuck up and relapse really badly

No! You're doing so well!! Keep it up! I'm here if you feel like you're going to relapse. Try to distract yourself from it and keep yourself happy.
-Jackie <3

This advice page is not very good if you lot ALWAYS ignore my questions!!

So you base the fact that we haven't got any questions now ansd think we're a bad advice page.
Fyi. If you talked to us properly and said that your questions weremt answered then I would happily answer it. But I DO NOT tolerate rudeness like you have just shown. So I suggest that you ask another advice page.

Who are they if you don't mind me asking?

Only myself and those people shall know. Sorry x

Pippa, is there anyone you used to be close but aren't anymore but you wish you were?

There are a few people. I miss them SO much but times have changed and there's nothing I can do.
So you just live with it, even if it hurts.

There is something outside my widow and I'm freaked out

Tell you're parents or call the cops

Jackie; are you over your last ex?

I would say I am... But that's a lie. I dated my ex for almost a year and there's not one day I go with out thinking about him... But he's happy... And that's all that matters. I would give up anything for his happiness... Even if that meant giving up my own.

I canbereally loud and annoying and hypo when im with friends or family but whenever I meet a boy who im actualy fond of and actually goes through the effort to make me laugh and get to know me, Im always really shy and i get angry and make them think i want them to leave me alone but really I dont

Don't send them mixed signals! Be straight forward! If you feel like your getting angry take a few deep breathes and you should be fine :)
-Jackie <3

(Any admin can help) - I think I like my friend and his brother and this is a really really bad thing because I don't wanna ruin their bond and stuff & I used to sorta have a thing with one of them, but the other has been there for me more than he has...what do I do?

Talk to both of them about it but if you think it will break their bond I don't think it's a great idea.
But it's your choice

I need help, I think I might be pregnant and I don't know how to tell my mom because I think she'll kill me please help XOXO

Get a few tests just to be positive then if you are just sit your mom down and tell her.
-Jackie <3

I'm worried my mums going to die, she's been diagnosed with stomach cancer a few days ago but I'm more worried that she's told me that she wold kill herself. Since I've been born she's tried to commit suicide 4 times so I know she's not lying. I really don't know what to do and I'm so stressed out

Does your mum have family that you are close with and could explain this too? Because your mums family could definitely help and support her.
-Jackie <3

Is it wrong to have sex with a girl when she's 15 (almost 16) and you're 16?

Age is just a number... It's your decision. You will know when your ready :)
-Jackie <3


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