
Advice And Teen Support

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Can you please explain what masterbating is, I don't understand what it means. Thanks.

1.Stimulate one's own genitals for sexual pleasure
2.Stimulate the genitals of (someone) to give them sexual pleasure.

I get angry and upset and the silliest things, I can hold my anger in but sometimes I just want to swear and punch something and its usually at really silly things

What specifically do you need advice on sweetie?

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i like a girl we talk all the time were going to the movies idk if she likes me should i still ask her out

If you want to ask her out then go for it! The worst she can so is say no xx

Well I like this boy and he likes me but everyone else's thinks he is leading me on when I know he is I just whant us to be happy

You think he is or isn't leading you on?

hello, I'm already insecure about myself. Personally, I think my legs very fat and I am very insecure about my face. That's because I find friends pretty'er than myself .. one is model. She is gorgeous.. Sometimes it makes me very insecure ..

Everybody is beautiful including you! A lot of people have these insecurities about themselves because of pretty friends but just because they're pretty doesn't mean you're not. And most people generally think they have fat legs even when they don't. And I'm sure you don't. And even if you do, why does it matter? Does it make you a bad person? No. Think about all the positives about yourself. I want you to go to the mirror everyday and say something nice about yourself. Because if you don't accept yourself, how can you expect others to? xxx
Liked by: Roos

I have no idea if he knows that I still like him. But I dare not about to start .. I see him so often. & I do not like him .. it is too uncomfortable, he then makes those remarks: I wanna feel youre lips on my lips, "but he does not understand that it is uncomfortable for me .. Help me :(

Answered in the other one.

ph wait, what i mean is : i like him and i see him not often and i dont wanna like him. sorry ..

Oh ok sorry. Well think about all the things you dislike about him and try to emphasise them. Maybe take a little time away from each other, talk to some new people etc. Other than that there isn't much else you can do sorry, you just have to be patient and will eventually get over him x

hi, i love a boy and he know's it. everyone says we cute together and they think he like's me to, because he flirt with me. i told him a time a go that i like him and he said that he like's me to, but not in that way.. i dont wanna love him because its awkward.. tips please ?(Sorry for bad English)

Does he know you still like him? His feelings may have changed towards you but he may not even be flirting or he may be leading you on. I know it's probably awkward but if he's your friend then he shouldn't mind. You can't make him like you though. And remember that just because your friends say you'd be cute together doesn't mean it's true. Friends generally say that no matter what they think. Plus they can't determine that you would be.

I'm a 15yr old boy and my bellend hasn't come out yet. I've never done anything sexual before and wondered what i should do

Honestly, if you're that worried talk to your GP (Owen)

How can I stop cutting? I told my boyfriend that I do and he's really supportive but I know its killing him and I don't want anything bad to happen, I've tried the butterfly project but it doesn't work, I promised him I'd try and stop cutting and I want to keep that promise x

Lie down on your bed with the lights off and doors closed. Think about all the good things in your life. Think about the great memories you've had and the ones to come in the future. Think about your friends and family and how they love you. Now think about how much it would hurt them if they knew. They would cry and blame themselves. It may even cause them to cut.Tbh the butterfly project didn't work for me but something similar did and I think it would be a good idea for you to try it. Whenever you feel the need to cut, get out a pen and draw a heart wherever you were planning on cutting. Then write the name of a friend or family member next to it. It's now their heart. If you cut you have broken it. Not only metaphorically either. If you cut you are breaking someone's heart. Because they live and care about you. They want you to be happy. If you want someone to talk to you can talk to me. If you want we can talk privately. I have kik, Skype, Facebook or you can text me xx
Bry x

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Liked by: lucy Bri Roos

sexual pics

Oh. No I don't send them because its a criminal offence and could end up in the wrong hands. Plus I don't feel comfortable with people seeing my body

hi bry or pippa, do you masturbate? I'm a 14yr old girl and a coupleof my friends do so i started but i wondered if most girls do

I don't personally but it's perfectly normal to.
Bry x

pleae answer my question about the bellend, im really scared:(

I don't know because I'm a girl sorry so you're gonna have to wait until Owens online
Bry x

i cant think of anything good, my friends or family don't show me they love me, most of why i cut myself is because my friends and family,sometimes i feel like running away and other times i feel like killing myself, i also find it hard to talk to people so i just cry myself to sleep :'(

Please don't suffer alone! I'm here to talk to if you need me and I won't judge at all x. They may not show you they love you, but they do. So so much. I've been in the same place as you. It was hard but u hot through it. And so will you! Because you're strong! You're a strong, beautiful person and people love you!
Bry x

how do you become popular? tips

Tbh I genuinely don't know because I'm the complete opposite of popular. People are just sort of selected. I think really the only thing you can do is befriend someone popular. And even that might not work. And it will probably be hard because most popular people only talk to other popular people. But why need to be popular anyway? As long as you have friends you love and can trust what else do you need?

Hi, Im here for some advice. My 'bestfriend' and me always spend time with my boyfriend. And they always flirt. he always tells me that he doesn't like her in that way. but, I doubt it. She liked him a tad before we started going out but I never knew, Shes much prettier and more popular than me. he

Confront her. Tell her it seems like she's flirting and you don't like it. She's your friend and should respect that you're with him. Don't accuse her of it because it may be that she never intended to flirt. Just say that's what it seems like.
Bry x

i self-harm abd get upset easily, i always compare myself to others and people always call me fat,ugly, a retard ect, im always in my room and i do cry a lot and if i see something sharp and i'll get what ever it is and take it to my wrist, what should i do?:'(

Lie down on your bed with the lights off and doors closed. Think about all the good things in your life. Think about the great memories you've had and the ones to come in the future. Think about your friends and family and how they love you. Now think about how much it would hurt them if they knew. They would cry and blame themselves. It may even cause them to cut. Have you heard of the butterfly project? Tbh it didn't work for me but something similar did and I think it would be a good idea for you to try it. Whenever you feel the need to cut, get out a pen and draw a heart wherever you were planning on cutting. Then write the name of a friend or family member next to it. It's now their heart. If you cut you have broken it. Not only metaphorically either. If you cut you are breaking someone's heart. Because they live and care about you. They want you to be happy. If you want someone to talk to you can talk to me. If you want we can talk privately. I have kik, Skype, Facebook or you can text me xx
Bry x

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