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conntinuing from girl who slept over - ive been bulied before loads and im getting bullied by someone else as well cus i have a dissability so ive given up and i have email? as in hotmail?

Ermm.. I can't use my account anymore :/
Have you got a mobile number?x

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Yes I have but you won't let anyone see it will you?

Of course not! I'll delete the question afterwards :)

Thanks Pippa, but what if they are Randomers? Wouldn't it be weird going up to a random girl and asking how she is?

Noooo, have you got kik or bbm or something?

I want a girlfriend but don't know how to start to talking to random girl? Also how do you build up confidence?

Start by talking about how she is,try asking questions to get to know her. And try talking to cousins and friends that are girls,gets an insight :)

Owen come on skype? I need to talk to you

I'm on my way, but may not be able to connect to internet so do you have kik or whatsapp or anything like that? (Owen)

continuing from girl slept over - i cant stand up to her! when i told one person, she stopped me breathing for about 5 seconds! i told my mom today with my mate who came over today but she said it dont matter just ignore it but the school are going to get involved when we go back on monday

Listen, I understand you're scared and tbh, I'd be scared too. But you need to do this, she's physically hurting you and she shouldn't be. She's bullying you! Stand up, I know you can! Have you got any way I could speak to you privately?(Bbm,number,kik etc) x

I kissed the guy when I like someone else what do I do

There's nothing you can do, just try not to do it again and if you are in a relationship with the guy you like, come clean about it to him, if not well try not to do it again (Owen)

My ex liked this girl while we were together and it still upsets what do I do about it?

There's nothing much that you can do about it, the best thing you can do I just try and move on from this (Owen)

thats a bad thing cus the girl who slept over hurt me so much and threatened me not to tell anyone and hurt me when i told my twinny, if the school find out about this which is very likely, the girl would hurt me sooo badly

Stand up to her! You have the power to stop what she's doing. I have faith that you can do it!

What do you see from your window? (post a pic)

I'm not posting a picture but there's a lot of trees and a fat pigeon (Owen)

continueing from girl who slept over - my twin sis knew already but i told my other friend whos older like 17 and my twin sis's mom looked on her phone and read our convos so now she knows and spoke to the girls mother that slept over and she says she will tell my mom and bring it to school, helpp!!

Why's that a bad thing? They're there to help, take all the help you can get!

We haven't heard from Owen in a while, is he okay?

Yeah, i'm perfectly fine i've just been very busy with college and other stuff and at the moment I have a big internet problem so I can rarely access this page but if anybody does need me add my kik it's Mr_Sheepy and i'll help how I can, thanks (Owen)
Liked by: Owen James Bibbey

i told my bestest friend cus shes like a twin sister but i got badly threatened and worse when the girl found out and said next time it would be bad if i told any1 else :'(

Sweetie, you're gonna have to trust me and go tell someone you're close to that's an adult, I know its gonna be hard; but you can't keep living like this, if they/she was your friend she wouldn't hurt you. Good luck&stay strong <3

Also, best of luck to you and Owen, you seem like an amazing couple and I hope you last forever <3

Awh:') thankyouuu <3

I've thought about stopping cutting a lot, I haven't actually done it in a while there's just scars. Thank you though, you're replies really helped calming me down. I love this page and I love you guys, you're so kind dedicating your time here. You deserve an award, seriously <3

Well done for that! And awh:') you just made my day <3

Ok so I loved this boy , he was two years older than me, we broke up because of a stupid reason, I was really mad and I don't know what happened...so now he hates me and he went out with 2 girls ever since but I still love him and I can't stop thinking about him, any advice on what I should do?

Move on! He clearly doesn't see how amazing you are x

my friend came for a sleepover yesterday, shes gone now but she hit me and overdosed and everything it was so scary but she threatened me not to tell any1 especially my parents but i told my bestest friend but then her mom read the texts and im going over tomorrow and she says she will make me tell

Have courage! You need to tell someone about that, good luck <3

Yeah, pippa, I don't want my mum seeing. I just don't her knowing, I can deal with doctors knowing, just not my mum <3

You're actually allowed to go to the doctors on your own(for blood tests) unless you're scared? (Its okay to be scared, I am) then your mum won't see, but have you ever thought of stopping cutting? <3

I feel like my boyfriend only talks to me when I'm dressed provocatively. Yesterday,I was wearing a short skirt and fishnets and he was talking to me and paying attention. Today, I wore a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and he barely said 2 words to me. I want to be able to talk to him while being mysel

If he's going just on how you look, I'd tell him how you feel, all problems can be resolved by talking! But see how he reacts. If Owen did that with me, I'd probably just tell him(he doesn't do that btw) but yeah, just tell him how you feel, he should love you for who you are and if he doesn't; he's not worthy of you. If you decide to break up in the end because he doesn't love you for who you are, then remember you're beautiful&perfect and I'm always here x x


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