
Advice And Teen Support

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My family and i all feel that my brothers girlfriend kind of takes advantage of him and isnt a very good influence. But he loves her so much and we think he might feel as if shes all he'll ever be able to get. Should we/i talk to him about how we feel or let him figure her out the hard way?

I think you and your family should talk about it and if he doesent listen let him find out the hard way. It's all apart of life.
-Jackie <3

If I have old self harm scars is it okay if I take my blazer off at school and they can be seen? I'm recovering and they're very old scars but it's getting too hot to wear my blazer at school

Depending on were you live, go to the nearest department/ drug store or any store that cells cosmetics... They have somthing called "scar gel" and if you apply that to your scars 2 times a day your scars will go away in less then a week. It will save you a lot of trouble.
-Jackie <3

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I can't ask him because I won't be seeing him and I don't have him on anything

You can just search his name and find out if he has any social media
-Jackie <3

Ive made friends with this guy and we became close but I won't see him for a while and I don't have fb so I can't pop up and the things I do have, I don't know his username how do I find out??

ask him what his user name is :)
-Jackie <3

My bf seems really depressed & like he's avoiding me, he always messages me, I'm worried if he wants to break up with me, what should I msg him?

Just tell him what you think (not about the breakin up part) and just say, if you are struggling, im here to support you and we'll get through this together, and just have an honest heart to heart with him, and if it turns out nothing is wrong, then okay, but if there is you two will sort it together, okay?:) - Jake

can i kik one of the admins here? i'm kinda bored so i need someone to talk to:)

Yeah sure, gimmie a message? Catman_Jake - Jake

Oh nevermind it's in your bio :)

There we go :3 haha. Always here honey x
Remember, I've been in your position before too x

But even my mum says we shouldn't talk to my dad about it because he'll just get mad. I want to talk to him and try and sort it out but my mum says she thinks it's not a good idea. :(

And I completely understand where your mum is coming from. But think about it this way, would you prefer to talk to him and him possibly get angry?
Or not talk to him and have to wait longer for your dad to accept your boyfriend?
This is your life, your choices.
Do what makes you happy&what you think is best.

Hey so I've been going out with my boyfriend for more than a year now and my dad still won't accept it! He doesn't let me see him and my mum has to lie so I can go to the mall with my boyfriend. He refuses to meet with his parents and he's not allowed to come to my house. I don't know what to do.

I know exactly how you're feeling sweetheart.
You and your mother need to talk to your dad about it.
He's probably like that because you're his little girl, and all parents are scared to let their soms/daughters grow up.
Dads are usually more reluctant to let go.
I suggest talking to your dad and basically saying that you understand he's scared, but you're always gonna be his little girl.
(That's what I had to do)
I hope this works. Good luck x

Do boys like receving surprise sexy pics (snapchats) (from a girlfriend) or will they ask when they want them? And do they like getting them in the morning during the day or at night? (Jake please answer )

Guys like both tbh, but if you do send a surprise one, gotta make sure that it isn't at a bad time (Like if they are in a public place) and guys do prefer them at night normally :P.. But, i musn't promote this because you know the dangers of sending pictures... firstly if you're under 16, then if his phone is found with pictures of you on.. (Even if it had been saved beforehand and deleted, police can still find them again) this is illegal, and can have quite serious consequences.. so, if you wanna send.. just remember the consequences yeah? And also the obvious ones (Getting spread around or threatened to) - Jake

I met a guy and went on a few dates he told me he was single and I've found out he is in a long term relationship I text him to say I knew and he ignored me and blocked me on Facebook should I tell his girlfriend?

Do what you think is nessasarry,.. Put yourself in her place... Would you want to know... (Probably)

Help me please.... I've started taking the pill & been on it for a few weeks now. I take it every morning at the same time. I started getting faint today during the day... & I've start bleeding for no reason just for a few minutes then it goes for a few hours then comes back.. Is this normal...?

Talk to your doctor about that. It's probably just a side effect but call your doctor just to be sure
-Jackie <3

a boy has told me that he likes me, how can I be sure?

Why don't you believe him?
Tell him to prove it and ask him why
-Jackie <3

hi, I want to start talking to a boy, but what do I say? like do I say a complement or..?x

Start a normal conversation and try to get to know him better

What does it mean if a guy falls asleep on you every night?

It could mean anything... Be more specific


Language: English