
Advice And Teen Support

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I guy I really really like said no when I asked him out but I don't know how to get over him? Any ideas? :-)

Well, what I did was just think of if there's any people you like that have been horrible to? If not, ttell yourself the reason why you shouldn't like him?

I feel like there will never be anyone for me. I mean, I'm fat and ugly, I have depression and anger issues. There is nothing about me that is likeable. And what makes it harder is that tbh I want a girlfriend (I'm bi) and there are like no decent girls, that like girls. And they wouldn't like me.

Sweetie, you are perfect. I have the same insecurites as you! But you are perfect, believe me. And you will find the right person one day,keep waiting. Time is precious. Maybe there's secret admirier? Listen, if you can't learn to love yourself; how are people gonna love you? Stay strong hun<3

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People are sending her link round asking people to give her hate. So give her some love! :) http://ask.fm/DanielleBongiorno

Yeah I went full rant on them earlier. You heard anon people! Give this girl some love! She don't deserve no motherfucking hate! (Again excuse my language I just cannot stand twats who give hate) (Bry) xxxx

hello, send this girl hate? we are trying to make her kill herself, thanks:)http://ask.fm/DanielleBongiorno

Don't put a smiley face at the end of it! Why the fuck would you want someone to kill themselves? People like you make me sick! How would you like it if that was your link, not hers? It's people like you who cause depression and self harm and suicide! Get the fuck off this page and leave that poor girl alone! Just fuck off! Twat! (Excuse my language) (Bry)
Liked by: Lily Braham

i don't know if he does because he used to when i was in a relationship but he didn't know then he broke up with me and now i fancy him but not sure if he fancies me? im not going to try because im scared of getting my heart broken again! but hes had a long relationship before so hes gotta be ready?

Having a relationship before doesn't necessarily mean he's ready now. It could be the relationship made him realise that. And does he show any signs of liking you? And you never know, he might say yes! It's worth trying. It's a risk you have to take. Or maybe just tell him how you feel? (Bryony)

ermm... this is stupid but theres this boy I have a crush on :) he knows, hes in most of my classes but hes only ever had one relationship and loads of girls fancy him and hes has loads ask him out but he said no to all of them, im scared he will say no to me! why cant he just ask me out? :( help?

Does he like you back? And you never know unless you try. But it might just be he isn't ready for a relationship yet x (Bry)

I need to sleep. But I'll be on tomorrow, need me? Put a (P) in your question someone, ok? Love you guys <3 (Pippa<3)


Right, I'm on slow replies all night if you want me to answer a question you have put an (O) or my name in the question please. Thanks (Owen)

^^ (Owen)

It's okay Pippa, what you said really helped. If people ask me about it I'll just be honest. I'd love to talk <3 xxx

Good and wanna text me? You can talk about it to me, its good sharing it with people..<3 xxx

I have loads of friends (that are girls) who are always depressed I've spoken to then and they get happy but after a day they always are depressed again I've tried my best and stopped then self harming but I don't know what else I can do???

The best thing you can really do is just always let them know that you're always gonna be there for them. All they really want is to A) know that someone is there for them B) have a shoulder to cry on C) be listened to D) and have an amazing friend to rely on. You portray yourself to be all 4 of them, respect to you my friend (Owen)

Owen, you nearly died?

Oh yeah, the doctors thought I had kidney failure because i was pissing blood (man period) and so i lived in a childrens hospital for about 2 weeks :) (Owen)

i get sexualy abused everyday and im scared to tell my parents

Don't be scared, it shouldn't happen to anyone! Tell them before it gets worse, it can be stopped. But you have to stand up, you will be scared; I remember telling my parents, I ended up crying when it all came out, but be strong. <3

Yes... Pippa.. he says he loves me&says he cares... but is scared to hurt <3

Love is worth taking the risk. Always will be! He won't hurt you, he shouldn't be scared <3

i got sexually abused when i was 11 and i only told my closest friends about it but somehow everyone knows and i want to die

I did too hun.. And never be ashamed. That is in your past and yes, everyone knows. But don't let it effect you. Need to talk?x

How can I win back my ex whose still in love with me and cares for me... but is scared that he'll hurt me (which he has done before but idc) and he's scared of what we have disappearing.. he's not going out with anyone else btw <3

He still loves and cares for you but is scared of hurting you again?<3

i dont think hes cheating on me, and i do tell my friends but they just make fun of it. because im 15 and hes 19 and im white and hes brown so they make fun of that :$

That's good them. And ignore them, are you sure they're proper friends? Also, I'm 13, Owen's 17. Doesn't make a difference if you love each other! And are they being racist then?

i have a boyfriend and i love him to death and i know he does to. we are a long distance relationship doe, my friends are never supportive and are always telling me to break up and saying thats hes prolly cheating and honestly i hate telling them my lovelife because none are suportive. what to do?

Long distance relationships sometimes work. Do you think he's cheating? And about your friends, I have the exact same sometimes. But tell them how you feel, that you love him and he wouldn't do that. They're supposed to be the friends that'll kick his ass if something bad happens between you two. Just show them the expection of a friend x


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