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Well, I've gotta go sleep. Have to be up at 6 :( hope you all sleep well. (Pippa<3)

Need me specially, put a (P) somewhere in your question and I'll answer tomorrow :)

I can't ask him out, I think it's starNge for girls to ask boys out!

Give him hints that you wanna go out with him. Like; asking about past relationships, what he looks for in a girl etc :) x

I am seeing this boy, but like we have been seeing for 3 weeks? He hasn't asked me out?! What should. Do, I think heis to scred to ask me out? We act like a couple

Ask him out then! x

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I feel like no one will ever love me... I'm mean a boy. But there's one, I have feeling for him sincea year and we used to talk last year, a lot, we were really close but I don't know how and why, all fucked up, and he miss me. But I really need someone to love me you know.. I know this is stupid..

Its not stupid, its how you feel. And have you told him how you feel?x

every single day and i dont know what to do i do like him alot but if his playin me then i would rather move onx

What do you think he's doing? And oh xx

i like this boy and he like me and we started to go out then the next day he finished with me and said he wanted to stay single and but he keeps say i think bout us getting back together and i dunno if he really does like me or his just playing mind games with me help??? x

To me, it does sound like he's playing with you.. How often does he say that to you?xx (Pippa<3)

Butterfly challenge?

Its where you write down your emotion, you can draw, write songs or words. Just something to do when you feel like cutting xx (Pippa<3)

Recently someone has started a rumour about me, that i'm pregnant. im only 14 years old and people saying horrible things about me because they think in pregnant, when im obviously not. I never did anything bad with a guy, i had my first kiss about a year ago, now im cutting, i dont know what to do

I know its gonna be tough, but have you tried ignoring it? You know for a fact you're not pregnant! And have you tried the butterfly challenge instead of cutting?xx (Pippa<3)

idk if my friend likes me. he always calls me beautiful and stands up for me. and the other day we were cuddling on my friends lawn and everyone was calling us lovebirds but he didnt say anything about it. he calls me his besfriend but i think i want to be more. does he like me?

Aww, it sounds like he does! Do you like him back? (Pippa<3)

Man thats cute(: Get her to upload a pic or summit?

Send her a question through here asking her to then (Owen)

Wht is she thn? And suppose so, you seem a softie lol

She's actually pretty stunning and i'm not saying that just because i'm her boyfriend but for a girl who doesn't wear much make-up she's quite pretty (Owen)

And whys it upset u both?

It upset her because no girl wants to hear that and upset me because it upset her really (Owen)

Rlly? Put a pic up of u 2?

I can't on my phone and I did once but then we started having people say "your girlfriend is ugly" which upset us both so I took that photo down (Owen)

Isnt that awks? And lol can imagine

Not at all despite the age me and pip are butally very similar people, similar humor, similar likes and dislikes, similar habits and similar personalities (Owen)

Nice(: But ent she still in school? Whatd your friends say?

Yeah she's in year 9 i'm in college and yeah my friends are okay with it because they know what we're both like, we're both very immature :) and yeah I do get the occasional "jimmy saville" joke but it's just a bit of banter (Owen)

Isn't she a little young? Shes like 13 right? Your 17?

Well the reak age difference is 3 years because my birthday is december hers is may and honestly I don't really care about the age difference, I love her and that's all that matters to me :) (Owen)


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