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Is it safe to swallow a guys semen

I'm not sure if it's "safe" but the only harm it can cause is a STD but the chances of that are slim enless he has an STD

hi.. my mum kicked me out im 14 years old. what do i do

Why did she kick you out? You should talk to her. Do you have a dad who you could talk to? Stay at a friends for a few days? But talk to your mum and try to work things out.
-Jackie <3

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Pippa- is lypophrenia real? Sometimes I just cry for no apparent reason..:/

It could be, or it could just be hormones. I literally have no idea :/ I'm always here if you want to talk honey x

I don't have a favorite. I like a lot of their stuff. They're a really good band that houls get back together. My favorite album is Black Parade. What's your favorite MCR album?

True :3
Mine is too! Yay :)

Lol Jake i still got the feeling. See i told you it dosn't go away until it happens. :-) like you know that feeling you can tell when somethings about to go rong? Its like that but oppoite lol

Ahaha yeah I get that! :p - Jake

Hi!! , not sure if anyone on here is catholic?.. (sorryif i spelt that wrong) but i wanna learn more about god, im so confused snd have so many questions but not enough answers. Dou think like the priest will help me learn more abput god? If so how to i ask the priest? Lol do i like just walk in or.

I am! Try to read scriptures in the holy bible. Start going to church and just talking to god. after church ask your priest if there is anything you can do to try to connect and learn about god more.. There might be programs you could look in to :)
-Jackie <3

is swimming a good excersise? I love swimming,i go alot in the summer. For like 3 hours? im starting to turn into a couch potato Lol.

It is a great exercise!!
-Jackie <3

Im kinda in a love triangle...or square Lol. This boy likes me,i like my crush,but i think my crush likes someone else

Does your crush know you like him? If he doesn't you should tell him. Because if you don't you're just waisting your time. :)
-Jackie <3

Ehh i hate asking for help though. What happens if he diagnoses me with something bad? :-\

They will give you the help you need
It's going to be alright
-Jackie <3

Sweet!!! What's your favorite song by them??

Hmm, either Helena or Famous Last Words.
How about you? :)

Hi just curious. Im kinda scared im not goimg to take good care of myself. Like i get scared if i dont eat because i once fainted because i use to never eat breakfest and it was the hotest day of the summer (now i do, this was lastyear) then npw i have this stomach pain 7 months long, they dont know

Ask your doctor for help! Eat snack foods 4 times a day and drink plenty of water.
Also go for walks/ exercise often. :)
-Jackie <3

I like a senior at my school, we've never talked in person, but we do see eachother around sometimes. A lot of girls in my grade like him & follow him on insta, bt he doesn't follow them back, bt he does follow me & likes my selfies. Do you think that means something or not really?

You should try to talk to him. Small talk. Get to know each other but remember that he's a senior and will be graduation soon. :) but try to talk to him
-Jackie <3

I wish someone liked me :c What does it mean if no one likes me in "that" way? Every other girl has had a guy fall for them or like them but me & i'm getting concerned. Even my ex- crush ended up dating another girl and all he did was stare at me? Guys never really talk to me, some look at me alot.

Don't rush these things! You will find the right person... He's out there! You have to be patient! :) there are over 6 BILLION people in the world! You will find one just right for you
-Jackie <3

I'm a girl and ive been addicted to porn mostly only fetish ever since I was 10, I really want to stop because when I have a husband I don't want to be attracted to his feet and I don't want anyone to know my fetish secret, what is a way to overcome this?

Try to distract yourself away from it! Think about other things and focus on more important things. Such as school, work, family, religion, etc. :) hang out with friends and go out in public so you don't have to be alone...

At the beginning of my relationship my bf would call me baby say good night beautiful good morning baby etc but not he just says night xx or good night sleep well and that's it. And when we talk it sounds like he does really want to talk to me. I don't know what to think or do

Talk to him about it! Have a heart to heart conversation about it with him and ask him why and how you feel about it. It's probably nothing but talk to him and explain how it made you happy and you miss it.
-Jackie <3

666 (part 1): I've liked this guy for nearly 2 years - we went out for a month after I liked him for like 8 months - we have a lot of good memories together and I can't seem to get him out of my head, everything I look at it reminds me of him & I want to tell him everything that's happened in my day


666 (part 2) - like we have done in the past but he won't talk to me and every time I see him around town he avoids me by crossing the street or walking really fast? I still think about him ALL THE TIME and my bestfriend is quite close with him and talks to him all the time and it kinda hurts me?


666 (part 3) : I just wanted to know what I could do to get over him & how not to think about him all the time & to try not to hurt every time I see him or when my bestfriend tells me about what he's doing or when she mentions his name? Help me pleasee!Xx

I have the exact same problem!!!! We went out for almost a year and have so many memories that everything reminds me of him! Talk to your best friend about it, try to distract yourself from him.. Have a girls night and have a slumber party, non fire, movie night, etc with some of your closest friends. Also try to move on and find someone else.
-Jackie <3
Liked by: Katy Mae

i want to go hang out with them but only 1 or 2 are in town.plus i have low self-esteem thanks to my mom and when i try talking to her i am always the one wrong.She does this to everyone not just me.When i was a kid she wouldnt take me out to play with kids so now i have problems meeting new people.

Do you have another motherly figure in your life? An aunt, teacher, friends mom, counselor, etc who you could talk with about this issue? If so you should deffinitly try!

A few months ago I was toldby his brothers close friend he had a crush on me,my heart skipped beat.Then isawkward him with his girlfriend and my heart broke. iwas mad at myself and at him, how do I get over him? His whole family always talk to me but him

Try to distract yourself from him. Hang out with your friends and family. Talk to them about it. Have a movie night out and stuff. :)
Try to find somone else to like too.
-Jackie <3

Hey, so this really awkward guy likes me and I honestly have no interest in him at all. Sometimes he will sit infront of me turn around say hi then dart back forward and I k ow he wants me to say something but I'm not sure what I should say to him without having a conversation go on forever.

If he tries to talk to you give him one word answers and find a distraction. Like quickly talking to a friend.
-Jackie <3

This guy that I like sister she 7 always says to me Jonathan's here (her brother the guy I like) or do you wanna know where Jonathan is.... Does this mean that she thinks I like him or that she knows he likes me?

She probably knows your friends. It could mean anything. Try talking to her about it :)
-Jackie <3


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