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If I was 'perfect' all the things in my life wouldn't have happened. I am all those things I said. I feel them, I know them. And its more complicated than it seens (B) :'( x

trust me, no matter what, you are perfect! you are beautiful and perfect! and please tell me whats wrong so I can help? xx (Bry)


It's what we do :D come back again if you need us more (Owen)

ive done drawing i did a portrait and next day i thought of somethinng else :( x

Try running? I do it and I use it as a metaphor "running away from your problems" (owen)

Cont ,....if I mention other girls she goes mad but she has just got a bf and it hurts ,what should I do ,I love her I need her but she says she wants to be with me but she gets bfs all the time

read the first part (B)

This may be slightly confusing Ok I love my bff and she loves me, I told her I'd love to go out but distance is pain.......any way a few weeks ago I said a freind might fancy me (im was wrong and that freind hates me ) and that made my bff not want to talk to me and she got upset ,...cont

I just talked to you on kik about this (B)

i am thinking of like death :( and i cant get it out of my head

well why don't you try doing something to take your mind off it? draw, read, sew? that's what i usually do when i think about depressing stuff x (B)

im so upset please help i cant get out something in my head i htought about the fututr marriage but im 12 and its really depressing what i think in my head :( help?

what are you thinking that's making you sad? (B)

I like my best friend, a girl, im a girl btw. I have no clue how to tell her and whether it will make things awkward, I know shes bi but I still dont know whether it will ruin our friendship :(

well if she's bi she may feel the same way. does she know you like girls? it could make things awkward but if she's a true friend it shouldn't. when somebody told my friend i liked her i thought it would be awkward and that she would never speak to me again but if anything it brought us closer even though she's straight. if she's a true friend it won't ruin your friendship (B)

i think of things i dont want to think how can i let it go its effecting me :(

Just try not to think about it most girls think about their perfect wedding try that (owen)

ok, I'm in love with a friend but he likes my best friend, and he always talk about her and how he is in love with her and he ask me for help and I just smile but inside me, I'm crying and She doesn't like him but he is still waiting for her, And she doesn´t know about how I feel... I need help :C

Just tell him everything, trust me, i'm a guy (last time I checked) and thats something that I would want to hear that the girl doesn't like him back and that you like him most of these problems are solved just by talking to the people so yeah tell you're friend that you like him and that the girl doesn't like him back (Owen)

im 14 and most of my friends have boyfriends and now im not included in things they do now as I dont like their boyfriends so if im invited i dont go. any advice?

maybe you could learn to like their bfs or just put up with them. but tell your friends how you feel and ask them to maybe spend a bit more time with you because friendship is more important than bfs x (B)

i have loads of spots and im a little bit over weight, help me!!!

there's nothing wrong with that but it's easy to change. just eat healthier, exercise more, wash twice a day and use spot cream (B) x

(O) im so fridgde and im going to a party which everyone is playing spin the bottle and getting drunk and i really want to join in but i cant - btw im twelve arghhh :'(

You shouldn't feel like you need to do what everybody else is doing or "social norm" as it's called you're 12 alright don't push into doing things okay while I was twelve I was self harming and other stuff have a better year than I did back then only do whatever makes you happy (Owen)

I fell alone, nobody at my home listen to me, and... I cry everydad, I feel horrible :c

aww well i'm sure someone will listen but if you want you can talk to me. i'll listen x (B)

please can you share my page <3 xxxxx you have inspired me to help people happier as i used to ask lots of questions on your page i just want to give something back <3

I will if you say what your page is x (B)

okay so last saturday I tried to over dose, but I didn't tell my girlfriend, I'm afraid to tell her because I don't know how she'll react. Any advice on how to tell her? x

you don't have to tell her if you don't want to but if you do i suggest this:
go to her house or invite her to yours. make sure you are alone. hold both hands. look her in the eyes and say "i need to tell you something, and please don't interrupt me or get upset or think it's your fault because it's not" and then tell her and explain why you did it.
sorry it's not brill advice but if i had a bf or gf that overdosed i think thats how i'd want them to tell me x (B)

(0) I've been with my boyfriend since the 3rd of decemeber but all we have done is hug, we want to do more but we are scared ? HELP!!!

What are you scared of? (Owen)

i dont have any real true friends, there all fake and backstabbers, if i ask them if they like my outfit one day theyll say they love it but then a few weeks later theyll say they hated it and it looks bad but they just didnt wanna hurt my feelings

well if they're not true friends then you need to find new ones. you shouldn't hang around with people like that. leave them and find someone else to make friends with because you deserve so much more than them! x (B)


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