
Advice And Teen Support

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How do u no someone likes u?

How often do you hear from them? Do they always wait for you after class or grab the seat next to you at lunch? If they're consistently showing you attention, you’re hearing from them often, it may mean something.
Do they stand and talk with you for more than a minute or so in the hall? Do they stay there even when their best friends pass by? If they keeps hanging out with you, that may mean something.
If someone makes a lot of eye contact with you, that can be a good sign. But some people who are really shy find it tough to make eye contact, so you can't be sure about that.
What do they talk to you about? Are they asking about what’s going on with you -- your classes, your after-school job, or your plans after graduation? Are they hinting at getting together by asking about what you're doing this weekend? (B)

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i really like this girl, we used to go out but i don't know what do, because when i try talk to her she doesn't seem bothered at all?

Keep trying to talk to her, but not so much that it seems like you stalk her. Maybe get one of your friends to talk to her for you? There's not much you can do I'm afraid. Its her choice whether or not to talk to you. Maybe you could leave it for a week or two and then try again so you don't seem obsessed (B)

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Im a boy and gay I wish I could tell my dad but he is so homophobic always saying really offensive things when he sees someone who is gay it reduces me to tears please help x

I'm sorry to tell you but only since the early 90 's lgbts' have only just been accepted into our society so your parents would have been brought up thinking being gay was wrong and a bad thing. When you tell your dad explain that it can't be helped and that you are who you are and you do not appreciate the nasty homophobic terms
Hoped this helped xx

What's seasonal affective disorder - my friend says she has it but won't say what it is ???

Seasonal affective disorder ( s.a.d ). Is a mental health problem where by you feel over joyed during spring and summer however sad and depressed during autumn and winter. If your friend is struggling with this be with her and attempt to cheer her up and take her mind of the depression as it could lead to unchangeable mistakes
Hope this helps xx

I find it really hard to revise I've got a French test coming up soon and I can't get anything into my head helpppppppppp

Here is my bullet proof plan for revising languages :
1 - split it up into paragraphs
2 - with that see how many help words you can fit in the, (. Say you have 5 paragraphs, and 30 help words you can have 6 per paragraph)
3 - learn 2 paragraphs every hour by re writing them, speaking the, etc....
4 - be confident !
Hope this helps xx

What have you learned from your past?

I have learnt to stand for what you believe in and make a good impression. I hope one day there will be no racism, war, riots etc.... Lets make the world a better place!

Thanks, but how should I tell them text, email, in person ..????

If you can gain the courage then tell them face to face so you can see their initial reaction. Also don't be scared that they may feel abit awkward around as unfortunately still in today's society lgbt are still not fully accepted however if they were your true friend they would help you get through it, and hopefully you could become better friends by sharing this.
Hope this helps xx

I think I'm bi I'm attracted to guys and girls - I'm 14 and have been feeling these feelings for about 1 year now, and feel its time to come out could I have some help please xxxxx

Of course you can - well done for plucking up the courage to write this ! Teenage years can be a difficult stage for someone who is keen to find out their sexual orientation . I think because you've been experiencing these felling towards both sex you are most likely bisexual. However bare in mind as you are only a teenager you might hastily change your mind so be a 100% sure when you feel it's ready. If you are ready tell your closest friend - I'f they were your true friend they'd except you for who you are
Happy to help xx

Okay thanks for the advice I asked my mum what chores I could do and she gave me pretty fun options like washing the car - we've already been giggling about what I'm going to do - thanks so much !!!

WOW that was quick we'll done sweet pea x

I never get on with my family I'm the eldest child out of 3 and they never pay attention to me anymore - I know that sounds bing headed but say when I get a good card home from school they don't even care. I would love to be so close again but we've just lost our connection

Your family does love you ! However I'm sure they are so busy looking after your younger siblings. Believe me I have been In this position however to fix it all it did was say ' don't worry I'll help you with that etc.... ' and by doing house chores we grew closer as a family. I know it's not a really fun way to grow closer however it worked for me when I thought all hope was lost.Also it shows you are a young adult
Hope this helps xx

I think I have OCD ! I always have to be really hygienic and pedantic over little things its been going on for about three months - what should I do ?

OCD is a complex disorder when your fixated into many compulsions, as you have said its only been going on for about 3 months them I think you are just in time to sort it and nip it in the bud ! I used to severely suffer with OCD ( being really hygienic etc... ) and now when ever I feel the compulsion to do something I write down what it was and pop it in a jar - then at the end of the year I look through the jar and see what things I wanted to tweak or change, and looking back you just stand there and question yourself ' what was going through my mind that day '
hope this helps xx

On a scale of 1-10 how honest are you?

9 - I like to think I can help, and tell the truth when people ask for my advice and /or opinion.

Language: English