
Advice And Teen Support

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3 - Several times. I'm scared I'll do something even stupider. She says she wants time to think about us as a couple...But I just don't know what to do. I'm just ... dead.

Honestly, best thing you can do is spend time with other girls/talk to other girls! If you don't talk to any other girls, the only thing you will be thinking of is a girl, and well.. her basically. Get talking with other girls (Im not saying flirt or anything) And just talk with them, and you'll find you're forgetting your ex a lot of the time! Of course, to move on will take time yeah? It will disappear over night! Stay strong and, nothing silly needs to be done over this yeah? Because there are other ways to get over this, and if you leave marks on yourself over her.. you'll be reminded of her everytime you look at them! - Jake

How to grow bigger boobs?

Somone once told me to massage them and drink a lot of milk :)
-Jackie <3

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910 .. 1Theres this sports comp that I go to to support my friend and their team (once a week). Theres this guy that I have a crush on and I found out he likes me too. Yesterday his friends were pressuring him to ask me out and joking that he should propose to me I really like him (cont) 910


910 2 and i want to go out with him and stuff but my parents wont allow me to have a bf also hes a couple years older and I think his friends are trying to talk him out of it. I want to talk to him alone but they always hang around.. He gave me his number and is always trying to act cool and (cont)


3.910 and always blushes when hes near me .. what should I do i wanna be with him but dont wanna disappoint my parents theyre so strict and wont let me go anywhere help !! Please thanks

Talk to your parents first. Who are you closer to? Your mum or dad? Talk to one of them and explain your problem and tell them you are maturing and it's all part of life. Explain how you would be responsible and such. :) goodluck. Try to get closer to the boy if you can. Text, talk on the phone, joke, hangout in a group, etc

There's this guy that I like but he doesn't know me well enough to like me.. Anyway he said he would never go out with people like me but he doesn't know me.. How do I get closer to him and show him not all of us are bad

Try to talk more and get to know him better but if he said that you are probably better off with somone better :)
-Jackie <3

I think this guy likes me and I kinda like him too. It's been all school year and he didn't ask me out.. Is that a sign that he doesn't like me?

He's probably just not ready or maybe he's nervous.
-Jackie <3

Do you thing nike air max correlate are good shoes?

Yes. My friend has 2 pairs and love them.
-Jackie <3

Do boys prefer it when you spit or swallow?

Not positive but my best guy friend told me that he thought it was rude or disrespectful to spit.. But it's whatever the girl feels comfortable doing :)

But we talked like more than 10 times in person and I have the feeling he likes me too. Still just messegim him, hey lets spend time together? Well I feel being to like boom, like don`t wanna just pop the questin if you understand. :)

Don't message him just to ask for that... make some small talk then ask him?:) - Jake

everyones getting into relationships, then theres me :( iv been single for 6 months and i have loads of friends who i see all the time but i just want a decent long lasting relationship :'(

Sweetie,I do understand how you feel. But if you wait, then time will bring someone wonderful & it will be worth the wait, believe me x

i finally asked my crush out, but now i dont know what to do when i see her... do i just say hey or ...?

I take it you've given her some time to decide?
Just be casual and normall.
At some point you will need to ask what her decision is though, good luck x

I have a girlfriend and I'm a girl, I get so much hate for it and get told its a sin and I'm always dragged down about it. For me I think love is love and it's a important thing to have when it's true. I don't know how to deal with haters

Ignore the haters!! You can't choose who you love. Love is love. I support you and so many other people do... You should find those who support you and make the best of it.. :) also for those who tell you it's a sin... Ask them why god made lesbians and gays. God supports everything and haters gonna hate but it's not their life.. It's yours :)
-Jackie <3

I'm so sick and tired of live and I just wanna commit tbh, it's all I think about 24/7

Try to distract yourself. Hang with friends, join a sport/ club, Exercise, etc.
And if it gets out if hand... Get professional help. :)
-Jackie <3

I never sleep properly :/ I find it so hard to get to sleep. What should I do to help?

I feel you! Ugh. Try not to eat or drink anything after 7pm and do everything you would do before bed earlier. (Brush teeth, read, play games, check the internet, etc) try to exercise more in the day so you are tired by night. Goodluck
-Jackie <3

I'm 39 days clean and I'm scared because I don't know what I do once I reach my goal of 50 days clean. Last time it happened and I got to a year clean but then I relapsed and I don't know if I'll be able to not relapse again this time

Think of how long you have come! You are doing great! Keep your head up!
-Jackie <3


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