
Advice And Teen Support

Ask @Teensupport365

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No guy has ever liked me before and I'm kind of concerned. I don't want a boyfriend but I'm curious cause normal girls my age have had boyfriends already or have been kissed/asked out before meanwhile the furthest I've ever gone with a guy was getting a kiss on the cheek in JHS..

You really don't need a boyfriend. Alls it will do is just cause drama and heart breaks. Just try to have good strong friendships with guys. To some of them that is more important. But maybe when you build strong friendships, maybe something more could be brought of it?

5 Ask.fm people you would like to meet?

Anybody who works on an advice page. They are probably amazing people with amazing stories and I would do anything to meet the kind souls who god put here to make a difference in other peoples lives.

I need to relapse because I've been clean too long. I'm just really fucking triggered and idk why and every sharp object I see just makes me closer to relapsing, and I know that once I start I won't be able to stop myself

Breathe! Think of all of the good things that came to you once you stopped cutting. Weather it be self confidence or self pride or even good things from your family who is proud of you. Just remember all of that. Cutting is not worth it, and it will cause more problems. And I highly doubt you need or want that. Stay strong for me and for everybody around you who cares about you.

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can this be answered by an english person just as it's based around english doctors?:-) i want to go to the doctors aboht anxiety/depression things but i'd rather my parents didn't know. will they find out or get told?

Unfortunately, yes they will be told. It may seem hard in the beginning but they need to know what their child is dealing with so they can take the steps into making sure you live a safe and happy life. It may suck in the beginning but in the long run, everything will be better. And knowing that they will know should NOT change your mind about telling your doctor. Like I said, we all want you to be happy and safe. good luck my friend!

Lovely to be left out of the decision making guys! (Y) it's fine, I've only been on here for a year and 5 months..

Owen James Bibbey
Sorry Owen... Do you not like me? I'm just pulling your leg. Talk to Pippa and Jake:/ sorry

Matt your story makes my heart break for you. But please stay strong, if not for yourself, then for us <3

Aw! I love you guys!! Every single one of you!!

Like how old you are and like your hobbies and things that you enjoy and like your story

Okay. Well I'm 19. I was fascinated by history. I used to play soccer, basketball, and baseball. And this is my story,I sent this to jake so:
as a child I was abused. Same with my brother. I began extreme self harm when I was about 10. Didn't go to school and my family was homeless. Mother was an alcholholic and my dad left us, and took all of our money. So on the streets I got into like a gang and I began using marajuana at the age of 16. I had the privilege to go to school but I didn't. Then I began using heroine and cocaine. Things got bad between me and my mom. I never took out violence on her, but hell, even when I was 16 she could still beat my ass. Then I fell deep into depression. And I shot myself. I was hospitalized for a month. And when my life flashed before my eyes. I knew I wasn't going to heaven. After I got out I made a promise not do do anything stupid again. But I lied. I cut. A lot. To the point where my scars look like tattoos. It's horrible. I graduated high school but nobody but my brother was there to support me. I decided to take my brother and live without my mom and then my dad had came in and broke in our house. He tried to beat us. I think he was going to kill us but I'm not sure. But then we moved and I had checked myself into rehab to cure my addiction but I left after a few days. I wanted to go to collage but I can't afford it anymore. That's pretty much it...

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do i take my septum out at night and what do i wash the piercing with :/ x

Don't take it out! Tape it if you have to! Wash it with salt and water

For 8-9 months I was depressed. I isolated myself from everyone b/c of it and now have no friends. I tried explaining to them what happened but they don't care. We tried hanging out but I have a new anxiety around people, social anxiety maybe? I can't be myself anymore b/c what happened. Please help

Calm down darling! Sit in a room by yourself. Think of things that could make you more social! Like hanging out with new people. If your old friends do not accept the changes you went through while battling depression, then they aren't worth your time and will hurt you in the end. Find new friends and just be yourself. Try not to let your social anxiety bother you. Although it may be hard, just think of somethings that make you comfortable to ease the awkwardness. Yes depression can change you but you need to find people who except you for you. It may seem hard to get back on your feet but it seemed hard to escape depression right? This is just another battle you are gonna win! Be yourself! Just try to be happy and you will find your true self:)


Advice And Teen Support
Hey Guys!
I'm Matt! Here for a one week trial as an admin! I'm so excited to have this job and anything you guys need, I'm here for you! I have taken full responsibility in your guys health and mental state of mind! Anything you need, I will be here for you! If you guys have any questions for me or about me just ask! Stay beautiful and stay strong! :) ❤️

This is quite embarrassing but how can you get rid if constipation? I've had it for like 2 or 3 days now

You can always use laxatives? They are a SHORT term relief, and if it doesn't go away after a week or two, see your doctor - Jake

If you have had bfs before or had dudes like you then you arent ugly... true or false?

False. Anyone is able to get a boyfriend/girlfriend.. pretty or ugly! Theres someone out there for everyone! - Jake

do you think on oi you could help me out with this guy? does he like me yes I like him and have for a long time now (he knows)

Im sorry, I don't understand this question? - Jake

Okay. It started about 3 weeks ago. I do not feel any hunger any more. Nothing. Like I am busy all day long on move. Can do all day without eating. Or two. Or more. Love my body very much, if I do not know when to eat, I might lose weight. And I do not want to. Any advice?

Make sure you have 3 meals a day.. especially breakfast and dinner... food is more important than work.. as food will make your work more productive.. and sometimes food can only take a few minutes to eat which may save you from weight loss - Jake

What it mean when a woman tell you be back soon but we are just friend?

She wants to be friends but she likes you as a friend:) - Jake


Language: English