
Advice And Teen Support

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Guys can i please make a complaint? I have talked to one of your admines about something that has been troubling me and i didnt even get advice on what to do i just got told that there isn't anything i can do, like i came to you guys for urgent advice and it didn't help at all, sorry for the rant

I already know who this is, you asked me for advice. There wasn't anything I could do. At least come off anon or message me. I really do not appreciate this as obviously there is some problems in peoples lives we cannot help or control.

but i all ready eat 5 times a day. Im the type of person who can eat alot but burn it off quickly

Eat little snacks in between. Like almonds are an amazing snack to eat.

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any other tips? Everyone asumes i like him but dont know for sure Lol.

Then tell them that!

how can i cut my eating habits? Not like dieting or stop eating, but i think i eat a little bit to much or im having a growth spurt

Cut all your meals in half but eat more in the morning and less at night and also exercise more :)
-Jackie <3

It was my 2nd time having sex with my boyfriend yesterday and the condom broke. I am paranoid and afraid this will ruin my life and reputation forever if i am pregnant. He promised to stay with me no matter what happens so i'm lucky in that aspect. There are 2 weeks until my next period :/

I would wait if I was you. It might just be a scare. But I would talk to your mum or dad to take stronger repercussions. (Etc. Birth control)
-Jackie <3

lol but i cant tell what my hearts telling me :P and well there is more pros then cons, but that could also be in a friendship way aha. Oh gosh

Try to be friends and get closer before any dissuasions :)
-Jackie <3

So I really like this boy, I'm 19 and hes 16, he's just gotten out of a long relationship, and I really like him but I don't wanna be a rebound, I don't know what to do:(

Wait alittle but and try to get close to him and wait for him to make a move. Age is just a number and love is love. Do what your heart tells you.
-Jackie <3

I think this one certin guy but on the other hand i dont like him in that way. Lol im so confused help please

I feel you! Think about the things you like And don't like. Then try to balance the things. And see if you like him and if it's worth it. You shouldn't worry much about it. Your heart and your brain decide. :)
-Jackie <3

Im 16- I've started taking the pill & took my first one last night... I've just been sick a lot... & having really bad cramps and stomach pain :( what do I do? ;( Please help?

Talk to your doctor, but your body probably isn't used to it yet!
-Jackie <3

Jackie: what should my friends and I do? We have a tight little group but one 'friend' tags along and we don't really feel like she is the same as us. We know there is a better group got her but how do we tell her to leave without being mean? Please help xo

Try to drift away from her. Don't be mean but try to talk to her or get people to hang out with her. :)

i really like this guy and it's complicated because he's friends with my recent ex and i know he is trying to get over feelings for someone else. the thing is i feel like we have 'chemistry' and he changes around me whether he needs to or not, what can i do to give him right signs and make him happy

Ask him! Get to know him well enough to think like he does.
-Jackie <3

what does it mean if ive never been asked out before? i wanna get a bf and have experience with boys but none have asked me out and i havent liked anyone enough to really wanna date them.

Honey, you need to wait for the right person! The time will Come when you will find the perfect boy! I promise
-Jackie <3

How can i flirt with her knowing she would sneak to text me?

I don't understand what you mean? - Jake

How can i get over my ex (it was a VERY long term relationship), i've been out with friends and stuff which helps and gone out with family but when i'm left at home and unoccupied i get drawn back into the sadness, what can i do to keep myself distracted from it?

Sounds like you need a hobby you can do when you're inside! Either that.. or try and meet some new guys! Whether its online or in person.. both helps!:) -Jake

So should i ask her out?

You will know when the time is right.. but don't force into things though.. don't rush.. take it slow but show you're interested! - Jake

Is it bad that my bf is 7 years older than me? We don't plan on doing anything sexual until I'm legal

So you're saying you're about 14/15 and hes about 21/22? At your age, that is quite a difference, as you're still a child and hes a fully grown adult - Jake

What so you mean by the girl is being a rebel for me? Is that a good thing?

Have a guess mate.. if shes doing something she shouldn't for you.. she wouldnt do it if she didnt like you or wasnt interested... :) - Jake

(2) kinda like sexting and he does a really good job in turning me on and I really wanna turn him on like okay I'm sorry really awkward but how do I give him a boner by texting? What can I say? Please help because I know what yo do after that I just need him to have a boner *so embarresed* sorry x

Its okay! Well its hard for me to say specifics because everyone is different.. but look at what he is saying to turn you on.. and just say similar back to him.. maybe say what you would wanna do with him if you two were in bed home alone? Put a load of detail in.. That'll probably turn him on! - Jake

Jake I need your help... Okay um.. This is awkward so I'm sorry haha but um... Okaydo you think its disgusting if a girl figures herself over you... Like if she was your girlfriend and you were setting and she said she was fingering herself over u would u be disgusted?

Its normally only girls that find it disgusting... it is a personal opinion.. but I wouldn't be disgusted at all nah!:) -Jake

This girl said her phone got taken away but she told me that she would sneak it and try to text me, does she like me?

Shes being a rebel for you;) it shows she really enjoys talking to you so see how things go.. keep talking with her:) - Jake

thank you for your advice jakie i met the girl and were together now thank you so much

Don't know if its meant for me or Jackie but we're both here if you need us! - Jake


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