
Advice And Teen Support

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hi.. i like this .girl she says she likes me to but she talks on the phone to boys too but idk if she says she loves them or anythin but she also and snap chats them too idk what to do anymore i want to tell her but she thinks i dont trust her but thn i do help m;(

Make small hints that you like her. So she gets the hint and she might even like you back but you will never know I less you try :)
-Jackie <3

im going to a pool party and i feel awkward going in a bikini bc it seems revealing (the guys i know are disgusting). i dont want to be too revealing. i have small boobs. do you think it will be okay if i wear a bikini top and swim shorts (i dont own a less revealing bathing suit)? any girl answer

I always wear a top with shorts because I doesent show much! It's perfect :)
Xoxo have fun
-Jackie <3

i met this girl yesterday and she was all over me and i liked it but how do i tell her i like her we are all meeting up tonight at the stream what should i do

Come right out with it and say you like her. She will probably like you back because she was all over you
-Jackie <3

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Everything in my life has pushed me to the point where I can't feel affection any more and I'm only 15, I used to be the most affectionate lad there could of been and everything's changed me and I don't want to live a life without love...

You're 15! You will find love one day! I promise
-Jackie <3

you guys should be all taking care of yourselves and not just the people you are helping because some things may really affect you and you won't notice until it builds up on you. xx

I might as well not lie.. my life for me at the moment.. and for the past year has been almost perfect, so I am very happy and coping well but thank you! -Jake

How do you become an admin? I often find myself on this page.

Like I said, gimmie a message on kik or BBM - Jake

How do you flirt with a guy back (or just in general if hes not flirting with you)

He should the start flirting.. to flirt back.. the best thing to do is be playful.. maybe a little sexual depending on the situation! Don't be blunt or serious.. be playful and play along :)) to start the flirting? It should be the guy that starts that! -Jake

Oh sorry i meant in person

Exactly the same.. instead take out the smiley faces ahah, he may also touch you a bit (not in a sexual way) just in a playful way.. depends on the situation whether he does that or not - Jake

Can a guy answer this? How do you know when a guy is flirting with you and how do you flirt back?

Well he'll probably put little :p or ;) faces at the end.. he may be a bit sexual.. and what he'll be saying will be playful.. so it won't be things like.. yeah ok. It'll be more playful and just in general a lot nicer and more light hearted:) -Jake

If no dudes like me, does it mean im ugly ?

No.. It just means the right one hasent come along yet
-Jackie <3

Pippa what is your story?

Well that was random. I'm gonna miss little bits out though..
Something big happened and it changed my life, when I was younger I started self-harming when I was about 8, banged my head off walls, hit walls, etc. Then when I was 10 it started into proper cutting, I remember the searing pain I felt when I first cut. It was horrible.
I was being majorly bullied at that time too, called all sorts (fat, ugly, stupid, worthless etc.)
From then on, I decided that I would try suicide. I've tried it about 10 times in the last few years.. A lot I know :/
Thankfully it's never worked!
The self-harming has been difficult.. Urges flying everywhere as my moods go up and down. But I'm staying strong, for you guys.
My inspiration is you guys. The help that I give you each day makes me a better person.
I still have a lot of urges and HORRIBLE mood swings. But I'm getting by.
Every day you get through only makes you stronger.
There's more, a lot more.. But I'm too tired to explain
I love you guys. I'm sorry, but I'm gonna come off now. Shattered, sleep well beautifuls. <3

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Pippa, you really dont want to know who i am, i do like you but i don't think i deserve a beautiful girl like you

I do want to know who you are. I'll get upset if I don't know, come off anon, kik or bbm me please??
That's very sweet of you :') thank you, but I don't see myself that way x

What do you look for in a girl?

Well.. she must be able to take banter.. be relatively decent looking ( I have to be attracted to her) be kind and understanding.. most importantly.. be supprotive.. be loyall.. and love watching films and cuddles;) - Jake

i hate being inexperienced. i wanna have my first kiss, have sex, have a boyfriend but i can't do any of those things because i have no one to do those things with and boys arent interested in me really so im stuck.

Don't rush those things! The right boy will come along! Trust me. You just have to be patient :)
-Jackie <3
Liked by: Set Yourself Free

pippa how many of those things were owen?

Well that's awkward and random..
I do not wish to talk about this as it's my business and I do not intend to share it so openly. If you kik or bbm me, I'll talk to you.

What do you look for in a guy?

I look for a supporter. Someone who will try his best to help me through tough times (as I will do the same for him) I look for someone who's funny and can take banter, but can also be serious. Someone who will cuddle me when no_one else is there, someone who will protect me from the demons of the world. Someone who can be themslelf around me. Someone who won't judge me. Someone who will cuddle me, watch films, eat ben&jerrys with me and play with my hair while I have sleepy cuddles. Someone who will love me for who I am and I will love him back. Someone who will have silly fights with me and argue who loves each other more. I look for someone who won't leave me when I need them most...
I know it's a lot, but I can dream; can't I?

What makes something officially cheating? for example would a guy getting off with another girl class as cheating?

If he's already in a relationship and he's getting off with a girl that's not his girlfriend. Then technically, yes it is cheating. There's not just physical cheating either.


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