
Advice And Teen Support

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just saying but by reading through these questions and answers. Jake you are such a wonderful guy and such great help to everyone and I just wanted to say thankyou on everyone's behalf! :))

Aw thank you, I know im not always right but I try my best:) - Jake

Im taking summer school and this super attractive and funny guy is in the class with me and we've talked in school before and in this summer class he sits by us in a group and we talk but i gotta like up my game cause i wanna become friends with him more and idk how to like talk to boys.. Hellppp

Just ask him about his hobbies and what he likes to do or watch or play and try to find things in common xoxo

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Andddd im sorry for all the messages, i guess im just kind of venting cause it helps to talk about it and idrk who to talk about it to yanno.. Idk i feel so stupid and im just really confused and i dont want to not be friends with them but i hate how i feel when im with them but idk what to do

Quite a hard situation eh? It will probably be easier for you to talk to me or another admin about this on kik, as this will take morethan one reply just to explain, it will need a conversation, You say you dunno who to talk to about this, talk to me about it, im free all day.. Just kik me or BBM me yeah and we'll get this sorted as its too much to answer on here :) - Jake

Any advice on how to approach someone when you think they self harm? I'm not really close to this person but I feel like better safe than sorry and like I should just let her know that she has the option to talk to me if she wants to.. Is that a bad idea or...?

No, it isn't a bad idea.. but, don't approach her JUST to talk to her about self harm.. if you wanna help her, you'll have to be her friend and support her through this yeah? She won't just splurt out all about her self harm to you, but it's good you wanna help :) - Jake

to whoever asked the question about taking 5 painkillers, I once took 8 at a time and unfortunately I'm still here so don't worry you'll be alright

There's a reason on the back of the package it tells you not to take morethan the stated amount.. because it is dangerous and may harm you - Jake

I really like this lad and I don't know if he likes me, he's always touching my hands and is kinda flirty but I don't know if that means he likes me:/ I'm 17 and he's 18:/

Sounds like he may like you.. Why not find out? spend more time with him, see him out of school and see what happens okay? :) - Jake

I'm really worried because my family think I need to see a doctor because they think I'm ocd and think I have anxiety problems but I don't want to be known as a freak:(

You won't be known as a freak.. but if you don't see a doctor, it will start to take over your life, and some people THEN may think you're a freak because of it. Listen to your family and let them help you ok? - Jake

What do boys like to be called? Cute hot sexy beautiful etc

It can vary from boy to boy. Some like hot, some like sexy, some like gorgeous, some like cute, some like perfect. It depends on the person you're saying it to x

About my family (especially sexual ones about my brother) and then they yell at me and say that im being over dramatic. And theyre really bossy and i feel like im not allowed to be myself around them otherwise theyll make a joke out of it

These, are the type of people that it's difficult to be friends with.
If they're not making you happy then stop being friends with them. I understand it's going to be difficult, but it's your choice after all x

What does it mean if i never had a boyfriend, does this make me ugly ? Cause my friend is always bugging me about getting a bf and thinks that im gay but its not my fault that im single.

Just because you've never had a boyfriend, doesn't mean you're ugly. I believe we all have a soul mate; but it takes time to find them. Keep waiting and never know, someone will come your way x

Is it bad to think that looks natter when it comes to liking a boy because all my friends say I am mean because of that...

Personally, I'd say no.
Looks do matter, not as much as personality. But we are all judgemental whether we like it or not.
You can't just like someone for their personality, you need to have a physical attraction too.

I need big help... I used to self harm but one of you admins helped me out of that situation so thankyou.. I found out tonight that my (best) friend has started self harming and I don't know how to help him. He hasn't told anyone apart from me & he doesn't intend to do so...! ;( worrying so much ;(

I'm very glad we helped :3
Oh no, honestly; you just need to be there for him. Sadly, there isn't much you can do. If you want him to talk to one of our admins on anon, then feel free.
I know you're worrying sweetie, but you need to try and use the stop self-harming methods. They're on our most likes. Always here if you need to talk honey. X

My best friend has to repeat the year because the teachers think it would be better for her if she would spend less time with me and a friend of ours and that she would be better in school then. SERIOUSLY?!??! That's bs! They hate us for no reason and they insulted us infront of my friends mom! (1)

We can't help with that unfortunately, you need to prove to the teachers that you are able to concentrate and get the grades so you don't get dropped back a year - Jake

Does boob size matter

To some guys it does unfortunately.. to me and genuine guys? No, it does not - Jake

were here for anyone with any problem,no problems to big or small,dont feel embarrassed or alone we are here day and night!please could you share my page?x

Advice Page. xo
- Jake

Okay, good. I just hope my girlfriend doesn't laugh, i didn't think my penis was that small, but you guys do

I gotta be honest, sorry - Jake

Do you care about size, Jackie?

Nope. I care about personality and looks (tbh) penis size doesent matter.
-Jackie <3

Below average? :( well damn. Can i see what the girl admins here think?

It's below average but it's okay. It shouldn't matter :)
-Jackie <3

For summer, my bucket list includes tanning. Do you have any tips? (Girl please)

Wear tanning oil with sunscreen in it :) and drink TONS of water
-Jackie <3

How do you ask to take a picture with your teacher without it being awkward?

Ussaly on the last day of school I get pictures with my teachers and it's not weird because it's the last day
-Jackie :)

What will happen if i take 5 pain killers? Because i took 5 and im scared

Don't take anymore and drink a lot of water! You should be okay but don't do that again.
-Jackie <3


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