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Nd im not friends with her sister anymore (we kinda ended on bad terms).Andd like i feel bad always saying no to hanging with her but im really nervous like i dont have anything to relate to with them, and i feel like why would her and her friends want to hang out with a freshman like idk what to do

Just ask to hang out with her and that you don't wanna hang out with all your friends maybe only one other friend? Instead of going into a big group.. get to know some of her friends first! -Jake

Telling someone to be themselves is kind of clichè advice. I mean- they're already being themselves so maybe that's the problem?

In life if you're not yourself you won't succeed.. you can always change things about you naturally, but you can't forcefully - Jake

Hey I thought Id take the time to say that I personally don't think that if you like someone for longer than 4 months than it's love. Love in my opinion lasts forever and you only fall in love once, not multiple times. Thanks :)

Everyone has their own opinion eh?:) ☆ - Jake

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how can i help a belly ache :( aha i sound so kid ish :P

Paracetamol is always a good idea. But not too much, check the back of the packet before taking -Jake

Do teachers pair up students dating wise? Do they make up couples secretly?

Teachers are there to teach you, not to get people together - Jake

I told my friend that I like him cause I have for a long time and he was sweet about it cause he didn't act different or rude etc but he said he has to think about what I told him... What does that mean??

It means exactly what he says, it helps for him to make the next decision by spending time, like sleeping on it, whether to stay as friends or more:3 - Jake

Which country will win the FIFA World Cup in Brazil?

Not England.. or probably Spain after tonight's result - Jake

It's not as bad as you think but she thought it was. I just want a yes or no answer cause I can't get help literally can't. I don't even have doctor. And I tried a psychologist but she just makes me feel worst.

It's... By law, her job to tell the police anything that puts you or someone else in danger. It's not her fault. Xoxo

I don't want to et help about it cause it could ruin my life but I just don't want my teacher to hate me. Cause I really like her and she's really nice and I don't want her to think I'm a terrible person that I lied about a kind of thing that I told her.

If it's bad enough to tell the police you need help though! Or tell your teacher it won't happen again. Try to stay positive :)
-Jackie <3

But like thats the thing that makes it awful is that i cant do that. Not cause im too scared or something but because i actually cant and i know for a fact he cant and never will love me back, and i just have to figure out how to live with that but its so hard

Then try to like someone else. :) try to get over him. Also try to distract your self :)
-Jackie <3

Well fuck...Ive liked this person for i think like 7 or 8 months and its been the weirdest thing ever, like ive never liked someone like i like him but its not a normal situation/ normal person to like but ive liked him longer than ive ever liked someone and felt different than any one else..

Tell him how you feel because if you don't you will be leading yourself on and who knows maybe something good will come out of it :)

I told my teacher something in confidence and she told the police (ik she had to I'm not mad) I told there police I made it up what I told her when I didn't and I don't want her to think I'm a liar. Should I tell her the truh and just tell her not to tellt he police?

It's her job to tell the police. If it's that bad you should get help for it. Best of luck!

How do i get guys to like me? I see/hear about other girls being liked by guys but me :( no guy has liked me ever! Idk if its cause im ugly or maybe guys dont see me as interesting, idk what im doing wrong??

You have to be yourself in order for boys to like you. You don't need a boy to be happy. Focus on other things and love will find you.

hey :) i need help my best friend never supports me in anything like im 16 and im gonna get a motorbike and she said "Why your gonna look like a weirdo" and she really frustrates me like she never listens to me for example she broke up with her ex and they got into arguments and always argue now (1)


but on his birthday she messaged him love hearts and x's etc and i told her it was a bad idea cos ur leading him on (She likes another guy thats why she broke up with her ex) and whenever some new guy talks to her as a friend im interested to know his name and she always says (No ur gonna add him) 2


(cos u wanna get in with every guy) Even tho i have a thing with a guy at the moment and she knows that ? idk what to say to her i tell her that she needs to know when to stop because sometimes she takes things too far and i get angry and dont talk to her for like a day but she wont leave me alone 3


not as in she wants to fix it but she wants to cause more arguments she will message me and i wont reply and she will get annoyed and say basically im not allowed to be annoyed at her and idk what to do ? she is always nosey and reads when im messaging someone then thinks im being secretive 4


when i move my phone away and always makes comments like "Lol probs chatting someone up" even tho she never lets me even look at her phone. like ever :/ sorry this is long just need help :) 5

Talk to her about it and see how she feels about the situation. Try to hang out with different people and slowly drift away in the most respectful way

Have you got any tips for how to take your mind off something worrying you?

Try to distract yourself
-have fun with friends
-focus on family
-go running
-play sports
-and most of all, take deep breaths when your feeling stressed
Xoxo Jackie

Is it possible to love someone if you know they cant love you back? If it is, how do you know you're in love?

Yes.. It happens to a lot of people... Including me... The maximum crush lasts only 4 1/2 moths.. If it exceedes your in love
-Jackie <3

Basically I need help like tonight because basically some guys liked me since year 7 and we are now year 10 and tomorrow he wants to meet me at school to talk and get off but idk I like him so so much but he's got a rep to be a player and a user and a cheat so idk help me

Well you can always meet up with him and not make out? He can't force you to do anything yanno.. if he tries to, then you know you can do better but if he respects your decision then maybe you need to put his reputation to one side -Jake


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