

Ask @TheUnbelievableTruth

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what made you choose the name TheUnbelievableTruth

I honestly don't even know, back in 2012 I was looking to change my name and that one just popped into my head and I've stuck to it.
Liked by: FuCkWiTMe Alexus

white guys or black guys and if you ever had an experience with either.please do tell.

I've dated both so I can't really say which is better. It all depends on what type of guy (no matter the skin color) you choose. My experience with both were actually nice but I couldn't be in a relationship with either because I hadn't found myself yet. If that makes since.
Liked by: FuCkWiTMe Alexus

Are you a virgin if not how was your first time. I'm currently on the fence of loosing minds and I want to get different perspectives from different people so I won't go into the situation blind.

I'm a virgin but depending on how old you are I do suggest you either wait or make sure you're very well protected. Like I tell all my friends sex is going nowhere and the faster you give it out the faster you lose respect for yourself.
Liked by: Alexus


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