
The Countess

Ask @the_countess

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Oh, right.. i didn't buy that , u know. Anyway, school is back in 3 days.. and no, i'm not excited in the least bit for it.

It is not my place, that is all.
Why not? you didn't get bored of the vacation yet?
Liked by: Angel Loxcely √

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YEAAAAAH. I mean yeah, that's me.. myyyyy twin <3 missed soo much !!!!! I didn't think you'll know.. how did figure that out? I was going to play a little, give you hints and wait..*sigh* that's what it's like when your twin is a genius..*chuckle* anway.. how are youu bae?

NishikidoMalak’s Profile PhotoAngel Loxcely √
Cute XD me too ♥
Your hint was clear enough XD
Sorryyyyy :P
Why are you using English by the way?
I'm fine , you sweetie?
Liked by: Angel Loxcely √

Nah, wrong. I did read TOTM by the way! I still think it was amazing *stubborn* Anyway, mmmmm you asked for a hint. I'm a girl *obviously,how genius* . Right. I'm 16.ah i met you through a forum i've always been a fan of TOTM.I almost killed you when i knew you deleted it.Like almost. Can you guess?

Liked by: Angel Loxcely √

It's okay, thanks a lot <3 hahaha sorry i know i'm annoying, thanks again <3 By the way.. can you guess who i am ? Actually, you know me )=

No , it is absolutely fine to me ♥
I guess you're Hana , but I don't think she - or you- had a chance to read TOTM , so if you're not her give me a hint ^^
Liked by: Angel Loxcely √

Oh, it's fine. Please do let me know if you open another blog. I'm like one of biggest beautiful fans *fangirling* Eh, back to the topic, would you mind giving me any fanfic you know is good? Any suggestion is fine, i don't even care wether it's arabic or english. Anything is absolutely fine.

Not that sure about making it , but still possible .
So honored hearing that :$ ♥
Hmmm , nowadays I only read the Arabian translation for a fan fiction called "From V ", nothing special about it , just a cute and funny story.
No thing more , sorry but I stopped reading fan fictions for a while so I don't think I can give you a good advise.
Liked by: Angel Loxcely √

Terrible,you just crushed my heart.You think it's terrible?Of course i did couple of times I thought it was amazing,you rock!Oh,well,you don't believe me.That's fine.Well,if i can't read TOTM do you have any other novel i can read?Imean,any other fanfic is fine. I do prefer to read something by you.

You know that I've already closed my blog ,right?
Thank you really for your opinion , but I don't agree with you, the story line is just freaking terrible !
Even though i'm thinking about making a new blog , unfortunately nothing I've written is available online nowadays.
Sorry dear.
Liked by: Angel Loxcely √

Hey, honey. Sorry for bothering you. But i want your novel " Tears Of The Moon " so bad. Don't you have any plans of publishing it again?? You still have it ,right? Please, if you don't have any plans the start making some. 'Cause i'm actually dying here to read it. Thank you.

Hey, no it is okay. Did you read it before?
Yes , I still have it but , for me , it is terrible novel... seriously!
I don't think I'm going to publish it again, at least not before rewriting it.
Sorry dear.
Liked by: Angel Loxcely √

قرأها.. ثم ارسلها.. صدقني راح تروح وتنساها لكن ستفاجئك يوم الدين بكثرة حسناتها..سبحان الله وبحمده عدد خلقه ورضا نفسه وزنة عرشه ومداد كلماته استغفرالله ، استغفرالله استغفرالله ، استغفرالله وآتوبْ اليهْ "اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد,عدد خلقه ورضا نفسه وزنة عرشه ومداد كلماته :اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد

في ميزآن حسناتكِ بإذن المولى

انا معجبة قدييييمة لكِ ولكن من خلف الستار، لا تعلمين كم كانت روايتك تسعدني وانتِ قدوتي بالكتابة، ولكن هذه الايام انا مترجمة ومصممة و لدي فكرة لرواية جديدة كل من يعرفها يريدون بشدة رؤيتها مكتوبة، فكنت اطلب بتواضع وكلي امل ان توافقي على ان من تخرجها للحياة هي اصابعكِ المبدعة. انتظر ردك بفارغ الصبر.

gongju796’s Profile Photogongju796
همممم, شكرًا للستارِ الذي يضمُ خلفهُ لطيفين كُثر "$ .
لا أمانع , إن وافقت الفكرةُ سجيتي سأكتبها لكِ بالتأكيد.
تحتاجين وسيلة تواصلٌ أخرى أم أن الأسك يروق لكِ؟
Liked by: gongju796

السلام عليكم، احب اسألك هل مازلتِ تكتبين؟

و عليكم السلامُ و رحمة الله و بركاته.
أكتبُ من خلف الستار , لا أعلم لو كنت سأنشر شيئًا.
Liked by: gongju796

“ذكر الله” .. أثقل شيء في الميزان .. وأحب شيء للرحمن وأجمل سعي للإنسان .. فليكن “ذكر الله” .. نور جمعتك .. وكل أيامك جمعه مباركه

علينا و عليك
Liked by: e★ Tukiee✌


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