
Tori Walton

Ask @ToriWalton123

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How come you ride at mcd and go to a different school?

I don't know I just do.... I like my school and I love riding at mcd

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What did u win at pony finals? What pony? What year? What division?

I was 9th out of 200 in the medal. My pony's name was Palm Beach Pirate. It was pony finals 2012 and the division was the USEF Equisport pony finals medal

Don't worry about who it is, I just thought you should know things before you get yourself into all that, like he's pretty awful, but you are gorgeous. But he talks to people and he's like hey can you get me a girlfriend, and in my case, no, I'm single why would I help you before myself.

Haha true! And thank you!

Tyler is actually kind of creepy, but anyways you're like a model like really!

I wasn't quite sure but thanks for that! And awe that's so sweet! Who is this?


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