
Helen Keller Metal Concert

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Your beautiful don't ever forget that! don't forget 1:25 either, never forget 1:25 (me gusta) stay strong young Jedhead <3 "Always stands for what she believes, that girls a free spirit" -Jedward: Free Spirit

No words <33
My day has been made <33

Explanation status of sexuality; September 24th

Turtlemonkey’s Profile PhotoHelen Keller Metal Concert
"How are you a lesbian if you're dating a guy?"
That popular question I heard that has been floating around.
AHH ~ Close minded society; how I loathe thee.
The man I'm with isn't a man in my eyes, but a person I fell for. His personality put his gender in the dark. He is someone I love because of who he is and not what sits below his belt. He loves and cares and hasn't left me through the obstacles. And hell, I love him so much more as every day passes.
Think of it this way, if you're straight, you love the opposite gender. You are attracted to but that gender. But then you meet someone, someone of your gender that takes your breath away. you question yourself. You know your sexuality. How could you be wrong? This person pulls you in closer and closer until suddenly you feel more and more. How could this be possible? You go nuts over your label and decide that if this person could truly make you happy, gender doesn't matter. You are happy; together. Gender becomes insignificant.
If you still can't wrap your mind around me being a lesbian, think of me as just queer. Queer defined by ''Queer is an umbrella term for sexual and gender minorities that are not heterosexual, or gender-binary. Originally meaning strange or peculiar, queer developed a usage as a pejorative term for homosexual in the late 19th century.''
Ever have a question about my label or relationship, don't ask my friends but ask me, I'll explain it.
Even though I shouldn't have to.

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Liked by: Sam I Am ♡

Coming out status; September 9th

Turtlemonkey’s Profile PhotoHelen Keller Metal Concert
I've thought about doing this hundreds of times but never was able. It's even harder to explain now that I'm in a relationship with a male.
But anyways. Here goes.
I am not straight. I don't identify as bisexual. I can't identify with lesbian because I'm in a relationship with a male and that could infuriate people. But I am attracted to females.
I've been very joking around sexuality and me being gay to grow comfortable with it; to make it so the day I came out, it would be zero surprise. I feel very uneasy just typing this because I have experienced homophobia and it terrifies me.
Sexuality doesn't change but as we discover ourselves, labels change. I've jumped from label to label and I just identify as queer as of now. I'm not a "dyke" nor am I confused. I feel better being in a position where I can decide how I feel about someone as a package based on personality and chemistry within one another.
I am attracted to women and am drawn to them. This is generalized, but I love the way most of them speak and the passion that can come from them. I love when a women conquers her fears. i love when women open up. I love when women are approachable, funny and outgoing. Women as a gender are amazing and I love thinking of myself with one. But personality is truly was brings me to them and I believe that's the reason I have been drawn to Sheldon. Gender is basically no issue to me, whether male, female, F to M or M to F; I just am mainly attracted to women.
As for my relationship, Sheldon isn't a boy in my eyes, he's a person who makes me happy and makes me love him more and more everyday. He's someone who has supported me and has loved me constantly. Sure, the relationship is still rather fresh but he's someone who made me rethink my label because I felt so drawn to him.
It wasn't about the gender anymore, it was whether or not I wanted to love them and love every single part of them. And I feel that way for Sheldon.
Call me a faggot. Call me a dyke. Call me confused.
I am out and proud now.

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so you are not lesbian or..

I fit under the category lesbian or queer. I'm okay if you consider me just queer.
Many just can't wrap their head around a lesbian falling in love with a man and I get that.
But I've voiced it before, his personality overpowered his gender and his personality is what I see.
I'll repost both of my facebook statuses here too in case u didnt see both.

si vous pouviez marier avec quelqu'un en ce moment qui serait-il?

Il y a que 3 personnes que je me marrierai en ce moment.
John, Edward et quelqu'un de grande importance selon moi.


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