
Helen Keller Metal Concert

Ask @Turtlemonkey

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What do you think people think of you?

Where the fucking testicles do I begin?
Apparently, I'm a whore, I do loads of drugs and drink all the time. Funny thing is, I'm far from a whore and I'm practically a sexophobe; still virgin too. I've never touched a drug in my life except for pain medication or prescribed meds. I have touched a cigarette but never ever has it been in my mouth or lit in my possession or entered my lungs voluntarily. about the drinking, I've never been drunk. Call me a loser but I've literally only drank a sip of vodka with my friend, I've had wine with my father and I've drank a little over 1 orange breezer cooler with my mother on a campsite.
Also, people claim that I'm gay but when have I ever "announced" this or "came out"? I'm in full support of gay rights and weddings and hell! I even attended the gay pride parade and to again!
Just because I don't fit your cookie cutter image of a partial sexophobe and a non consumer of drugs and alcohol, doesn't mean that you can even begin to develop the right to label me something I am not.
Sure, I look different and act different from you. I have duo coloured hair, loads of bracelets and black make up. But your stereotypes are things I am not.

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I honnestly think you are the sweetest and the prettiest and I love how you're not afraid to be yourself and walk around in your style without worrying what people think about you, and it takes courage and confidence for that, and I respect you like omgg keep it up, cuz you awesome

You are a sweetheart but I'm not all that special.
Being honest, this message means loads and its what keeps me going even after all the stereotypes and judgements so thank you.

No I'm serious! Your beauty is that of the sun, while your inner beauty is that of a million galaxies, and it's so intense that you've blinded me! Now all I see is you <3

*sings as Korean boy group attempting engrish*
Ries ries ries ries
See what I did there? I'm a racist prick!
Jk I love Asians in general :*
Saranghapneedah <3

Top 5 prettiest girls you know in order?

I get this all the time and do u not understand that outside beauty means nothing to me!?
You could be the prettiest girl in the world and still be ugly because of your personality.
I'm sick and tired of listing "the prettiest people".
Everyone is beautiful in their own way and all that matters is how they use their inside beauty to better the world.


Language: English