
Helen Keller Metal Concert

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...right to objectify you. It's your body and you can do whatever the fuck you want with it (as long as you aren't infringing on another person's comfort) and it does not give anyone the right to objectify you. Ever. Whether you're naked, a nun or whatever. No one has the right to treat you as ...

Kateywashere132’s Profile PhotoKatey Krausstacean
Liked by: Katey Krausstacean

I'm serious though, you're beautiful and just like Cassie from skins says "absolutely lovely". I love you so much MJ and you need to tell all the little fuck boys that yore dressing for the body you have and there's nothing they can do about that and it absolutely does NOT give them the...

Kateywashere132’s Profile PhotoKatey Krausstacean
Liked by: Katey Krausstacean

You looked lovely today and I was extremely happy to see you smile, even though shit's going down about your wardrobe changes. I'm Glad you were able to muster up the courage and the confidence to do so, because I could tell it made you that much happier and that's all that really Matters in the end

Liked by: Katey Krausstacean

If you want I can bitch slap who ever wrote that and made you feel sad, and dont go back to the sweaters and hide Be proud of who you are and dont let some dork tear you down, and you are beautiful, funny and a amazing person and I am glad that you found a style you like

thank u, i appreciate it. Its too hard rn tho
Liked by: Katey Krausstacean

I like ur tits

You know what I'd prefer to hear?
"You're beautiful and I believe that you are very intelligent. Your passion strikes me and inspires me. I am glad that you finally feel comfortable to dress in a way that suits you and you won't let anyone tear you down. I love when you smile and feel happy to be at school and be surrounded by people who love you. I believe your love for vegetarianism and animals is remarkable. I'd love to see what you'll be capable of in a few years. I bet it'll be wonderful."
I understand I dress provocative, but sexualising me and feeling that is a compliment can be quite offensive. Blame me all you want, but I am dressing to please me and nobody else. I am quite upset about this right now and am so close to returning to my shell of sweaters, loose pants and no makeup. I bet everyone would be so much happier with me that way and i'd be less of a nuissance.
So go shead, like my tits, but don't expect me to be proud of them for much longer.

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