

Ask @UtahMormonGirl

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HAHA! What do you mean by you are not as modest as you should be?

I get wayyyyyy too hot. So I guess compared to Mormon standards, I'm not too modest...

How do you know God really listens to your prayers?

I guess there's not a way you know or can prove it, but I feel like that's what the gospel is about. You may not know it in the typical sense like you know water is made of hydrogen and oxygen, but you can know it by feeling it. You can pray to feel God's love and ask him to help you know he hears you. That's honestly how I know, though I must admit I am the worst at prayer, but I know he hears me because I've felt him and I've seen the blessings of prayer, like silly things when I pray to find a missing shoe and after the prayer I am able to find it, even when it was somewhere I already looked. The best way to realize God hears prayers is to hear missionary stories, about how certain people prayed and God gave them very direct answers. One is from a missionary prep teacher I had once, he said when he was on his mission they received a prompting to go somewhere weird they'd never thought of. they knocked on the door and a woman came to the door and proceeded to tell them she was about to kill herself and had prayed one last time for an answer from God. They literally saved her life and God answered her prayer.

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How would you describe yourself? Would you say you're more of the typical Utah Mormon girl or would you say you're more of a rebel?

haha definitely rebel. I'm not as modest as I should be, but it's because I am always like 110 degrees and I can't handle being any hotter than I have to. I'm sassier I guess (in person). Of course I make mistakes like everyone else. but honestly I'd say there isn't a completely "typical Utah Mormon girl" cause I know all sorts and types to be honest.

Do you ever find that people you think you knew well have a lot of different sides to them?

always. nothing and no one is as they seem. though I try to see as many sides as I can.

I am so hungry for a kolache but they don't have them in Utah. (Used to get them in Texas.) What is your favorite pastry?

ehhhh not a huge pastry fan.

How do you know if someone is trustworthy? (personally)

I don't. I trust them anyway and heck, if they screw me over, it's on their head and I did everything right and I have a clear head.

How many people do you truly open up to about your life; whats going on, how you're feeling, ect.

almost anyone, and almost no one. It's kind of complicated.

Do you believe in black magic?

to some extent yes. there are satanic rituals I would characterize as such.

If you were able to breed an animal hybrid what would you breed and name it?

seal and fox. I guess it'd be a .... sex haha wait no ... uhhhhhhhhhh well I mean they did hybrid and all...

to constantly have a high pitched ringing in your ears or not hear anything at all?

nothing at all.

what is one tv show you would like to live in? (temporarily)

pretty little liars. I'd tell the truth so hard.

What's something that has made you extremely jealous?

people going to ivy leagues or girls having cute boyfriends. hahah.

Do you think tolerance is practiced enough in society?

enough I suppose is subjective, but I guess it could be yes and no. So often people are discriminated and hated for the way they are, but then I have also seen the most wonderful acts of love and acceptance of others differences. So that's a toss up.

What is a song or music artist you listen to but are kind of embarrassed about?

mmm embarrassed. well.. I guess the worst is I listen to ONE nicki minaj song I like. hahah.


Language: English