

Ask @UtahMormonGirl

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Can you prove the mormon church is true?

First off, it isn't the "mormon" church, it's the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Second, why would I ever need to? I know it's true and nothing else matters. To me, something so powerful does not need logic or reason or science to prove it correct. I mean, for example, I'm sure you love your mother, but can you prove that? You can give me examples as to why you love her like you got her flowers, made her a cake etc. but none of that proves anything, it only implies so. I can give you examples and experiences as to why I know it's true, but prove it? There's nothing you can do to cause another to believe something unless they truly want to.

I LOVE how much you love the gospel and how willing you are to share it. It's inspired me to be more like that, I love you a lot.

I love you too :) the gospel to me is happiness, it's love, and kindness. everyone can use a little more love and kindness. life is hard. but with more kindness it's a lot less hard.

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Why is the church so sexist? Everything is aimed toward men, almost all of the book of mormon/ bible characters: men. The god head:all men. The majority of conference talks: men. Don't you ever feel that you are treated unfairly?

I've never once questioned this luckily. I have never felt less than. I've never felt like the church isn't fair. I actually just had a lesson about this. So a common misconception is men have the priesthood, women have childbearing. But it doesn't work like that. the priesthood is NOT men. the priesthood is the power of God and without God there is no priesthood. The priesthood is the authority to act in the name of God when worthy to do so. However, just because the priesthood is the men's primary role doesn't mean they can do it alone. Just as a woman cannot conceive without a man, neither can the man fulfill his priesthood duties without a woman.
Want to know something? Women are so amazing. They aren't like men. They are naturally nurturing and loving in a way that men will never be. I truly believe that women are so sacred. It's part of the reason we don't hear about our heavenly mother. We have one, and she loves us, but she's sacred enough not be be talked about and abused as God often is. There are many women in the bible as well as the book of mormon though. Though not as many, can you honestly say that women such as Sariah or Ruth or Esther don't stand out to you? because to me they do. They are incredible testaments of faith and while there were clearly many other women around at the time these ancient records were made, I don't believe it's necessary. What more do we need? It's so obvious how important women are. And that does not go unnoticed in the church. I'm happy with the way things are in the church, I know they are the way God would have they. I wouldn't have them any other way.

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Dead? Don't be so dramatic. Plenty of people live perfectly happy and well-adjusted lives without the church.

See that's the problem, I'm not plenty of people, I'm me and I sure know myself a lot better than you. If I didn't have the gospel I wouldn't see any purpose whatsoever in life, so yes I would be dead without it. It's what keeps me going. Maybe "plenty of people" are happy without it, but I'm not "people" and I wouldn't be. I think I know myself well enough to say that.

If the church is so great why lemony it let gay people in? It is disgusting to say that if someone is gay they can not participate in church and can not go to heaven, any reply???

Athiest01’s Profile PhotoAthiest Gal
Gay people are gladly welcomed to attend and be members. However just like any heterosexual, acting upon sexual feelings is a sin outside of marriage. The church believes marriage is ordained of god and is between man and woman. Nonetheless gays are respected and loved just like anyone else. They can be complete and faithful members and I have several gay friends who choose to remain a part even though it is difficult for them to do so. There are many heterosexual people that don't have the opportunity to marry either and they still choose, like those faithful gays to keep the law of chastity.

i just found out something awful...my whole life has been a lie...i feel betrayed..i dont even know who to trust anymore...i just found out..Popcorn doesnt even come from an apricot tree...i dont know what to do anymore :(

Chin up, at least you can still get popcorn.

you're a total inspiration. You're the reason I got my anon in the first place, I just love you so much and I hope you never leave twitter.

I don't think I could ever let myself. :) I think in some way I will always be around. I just love interacting with people and sharing positivity. thank you so much.

Joseph Smith knew nothing about egyptian hieroglyphics, he translated all of them wrong. He could have been translating the book of mormon wrong. Maybe there was no influence from god in the first place. If he was speaking with god then how would god misinterpret the egyptian papyri?

I don't know where you got the idea that it was Egyptian. It wasn't.
It was a language no historian could translate. The only way it could have come to pass is through the power of God.

I want proof that god exists. Why won't he just come out of the sky and show himself? Do I need to start doing something really awful so he will act? It never seems like god is there. Bad things happen to good people and vice versa, as well as good things happening to good people. There is no God.

Have you ever been to the ocean? Have you ever seen the waves hit the rocks, water rushing through crevices, splashes of water shooting up into the air? Have you ever looked in the mirror and just stared at the person looking back? Have you felt the warmth of the sun on your skin, the wind through your hair? Have you ever heard the cry of a new born baby, held it's tiny hand?
If you have, you've felt God.
God is all around you. He is why you exist.
The human body is so complex. The mechanisms of your heart. The skeletal system. The complexities of your brain. No human can construct a human brain, let alone truly comprehend the extent to what goes on in the mind.
Bad things happen to good people yes. All the time. Do you ever wonder why?
Though we may not always understand why things happen, God does. He knows what he is doing. He has a plan for you. It may not be what you want. But he has the perfect plan for you. You just have to have faith through it. Don't let go. Don't give up on him, because he'd never give up on you.
You see, God is omniscient, he knows things we don't, he sees things we don't see, he understands exactly why things happen. While we lack the ability to see the whole picture, he does.
Bad times will come. People will betray us when we have nothing but good intentions. We will have our hearts broken. Death will inevitably happen. The reality is that so many things about life aren't fair. They just aren't. & they won't be. At least, not yet.
I can't convince you that there is a God, but I can testify that I know without question that there is a God. He lives, and he loves you. and no matter how much doubt you have, you can find certainty in the truth that there is a divine being, a God.

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When someone physically harms themselves, that's pain Christ felt?

yes, I believe that all pain we suffer physically and emotionally, Christ suffered for.
So when that person self harms, Christ felt their emotional, mental, and physical pain.

Religion is a primal belief. It is the origin of architecture, there are some great cultural aspects surrounding it nevertheless it makes you weak. It makes you think that everything is governed by one person and that you can never pay back jesus christ, that sounds like a pathetic life.

A pathetic life would be one where you have nothing to live for but yourself.
My life is making others happy, serving others, and sacrificing. To me that's not a sad life. My belief in God motivates me to love everyone and to help others. What is pathetic about that? because helping the world and improving it, that doesn't sound pathetic to me.

What was an experience where you felt your testimony growing?

going to institute, fought with my brother on the way there. In class we listened to a song. It was if the Savior stood beside me. My testimony of my daily small actions increased and it reminded me to try and get back to where I was when I was so conscientious of that.

I'm an LDS member from Italy! First time on Ask.fm! What do you think of this website? Mainly I heard some bad things about it, but now I have found a lot of mormons like me! Is it worth using it?? :)

MaximilianSilver’s Profile PhotoGabriele Funaro
Personally I have gotten a lot of horrible messages --- however I have also gotten genuine sincere questions that I've enjoyed answering. It all depends :)

Why are you so polygamist? I think that is pretty disgusting.

Why are you so ignorant hahaha. I'm actually not married and I don't have twenty husbands, but if I did I'd make them clean my pool
Liked by: Mormon Brat

How are you doing today? Looks like you've been on the front-lines and could use a respite. What's your favorite scripture that calms you down or brings you peace?

I'm actually pretty good. I love answering questions, it just gets overwhelming, cause I actually got a LOT. But, hmmm I love so many scriptures. I guess I just always have it come to mind "Believe in God, believe that he is" (which is from Mosiah 4:9)
Liked by: Larissa


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