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Ask @UzzIosu

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Do you always smile for pictures?

Well, until recently I didn't. Smiling adds so much self-confidence I can't help myself anymore.

What do you miss?

A lot of notes!
But really, its more or so that feeling you get when you play a game for the first time and really enjoy it.
Liked by: FlandreDevil

Is - [ R a Y ] - asian? he seems like it by the way he talks but he always caps lock why is that??? and what are you????

Why not ask him yourself? Also, just add me on skype if you want to figure out about me.

How valuable is money to you?

Not sure how to answer this really. Money is nice and all, but currently I don't see it as a necessity, more of a luxury. Of course, I can't give a full opinion on this since I've never had a paying job before, so my friends often comment that you don't know the value of money until you earn it.

What's the stupidest thing you did today?

I keep hanging out with my friends' girlfriends and they keep getting mad at me....oops kinda not really
Liked by: FlandreDevil

Do you think that Adolf Hitler was a great person?

Great in terms of getting Germany out of an economical rutt, and being able to lead a lot of people at the right time. Not so great on the whole blame the Jews for Germany's problems thing.
Liked by: bluudragon FunOrange

Tennis or swimming?

I can't play tennis for the life of me and I can't swim. Umm.... BADMINTON!

I see "farming" as just reaching a point where you should be. If the maps are "so easy", you should get the points they're giving? Then you reach a point where you need to improve to continue "farming". I really don't see how is it bad. For some the maps that they farm might be impossible to others.

Yeah, this is how I see it now. Before in PPv1, this wasn't really the case. But since the new ranking system is in place, it's like how you describe.
Liked by: Horolynn

Would anime become better if all magic girls got replaced by tennis players?

Considering how I watched the 3rd Madoka Magica movie last night, that would be pretty...weird...

If you had to choose to have dinner with either Kynan or Elysion, who would you choose?

Probably Ely, I've heard a lot of good things about her so...yeah.

what are your thoughts on players who farms pp (plays map that gains a lot of pp) to players who doesnt? (players who plays anything, whether it be with nf or maps that are out of their reach or dont play to fc etc etc)

I honestly don't know how to feel. I mean, I farmed myself for quite a while, and now I've reached a point where gaining pp is hard. I think that's the main purpose of farming really, just to reach that point where you realize you have to improve to actually get your rank up. Those who don't farm either already see that, or just play for fun. I guess I'm indifferent.
Liked by: Horolynn


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