
Wei Song

Ask @WeiSong

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how do you motivate yourself to do well in school?

I usually get money, but that's not what motivates me. It's just been engraved so much into my head that I need to do well or else I'll be disappointing someone. Unless it's something I know I couldn't have gotten an A on, I would feel disappointed in myself I as well. It's really just how high you set your standards and how willing you are to meet them!

do you tweeze/wax/shave your eyebrows? if yes, how do you get your eyebrow shape?

I do! If I don't, I have quite a noticeable mono brow. HAHA
To be honest, I just go for it. I like straight brows, so I just try to even them into a line as much as possible. B) I tweeze what I can, then I save off the rest. The only part I was is my upper lip.

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I miss talking to you! ;-;

I don't know who you are, but sorry. HAHA I'm just extream my bad at responding to people.

sorry by sink i meant makeup/dressing area (if you're okay with that of course!)

too laze sorry HAHA

ahh please try to eat solid food for breakfast everyday!! just remember: eat breakfast like a queen, lunch like a servant, dinner like a peasant. it doesn't have to be that extreme but you get the point LOL

HAHA, I know I know. I eat, just small portions throughout the day.

At what age you kissed for the first time?

was it 8th grade??
so when I just turned 14

when you go to conventions how do you survive (food wise???? sleep wise??????????????) otakon survival tips much needed halp

I make a few things for lunch at Ota, but there's a big area with a lot of food just 2 blocks down (near the fountains).
Sleep wise, I just try to calculate a reasonable amount of sleep that allows me to wake up early the next day. I'm not too interested in the raves or 18+ anyways.

can i be your own, personal jesus? someone to hear your prayers, and someone who is there?

I would prefer my personal Jesus to be, well, personal, someone I know very will.
But really, I just like to be alone.

If you were a pokemon, which one would you be. If you were a pokemon trainer, who would you want your first pokemon to be?

Ditto, probably. That ways, you have every Pokemon available to you.
Charmander has been my first, so I would probably choose that.

Yayy you updated your blog! Thanks for all the hard work!

Thanks you so much for reading! I'm sorry for the wait. 8'D

when did you start dancing and how did you learn how to dance? any tips? <3

I just kinda picked it up. HAHA
Started learning a dance, then another, and another. I'm really not that great of a dancer; I usually don't consider myself one. LOL


I'm glad I could!! *^* No problem at all, thank you so much for actually reading my stuff. HAHA

what are your flaws?

Many. My weirdly shaped legs, my half dimple, my short temper, my crooked teeth, my weak body, my impulsive actions, my inability to express my feelings, my sensitivity, etc.
I could go on for a long time. HAHA
If it seems like I don't have flaws, then that means I'm just doing a good job at concealing them. Everyone has more flaws then they can count.

any tips to make snk straps and that little "skirt" thing? im new to cosplay and i have no idea what materials to use

To be honest, I'm not a big expert on that either. HAHA
But I recommend using a 2-way stretch pleather or something similar. You can also use brown elastic for parts of the belt that won't be seen (ex. the straps hidden by the boots)
The skirt should be relatively easy. Something similar to towel wrapped around and then you can sew it down and add elastic so it's easy to put on and take off.

What are your favorite animes?

I really enjoy magical girl animes. HAHA
I don't think I can name favorites though. I have phases. 8'D


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