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this is for my posi child (hehehehehhe) kim jongin my little fluffy boy in the inside but a monster dancer on the outside yes continue dancing because you inspire many people especially with that kind heart of yours. hope we'll talk soon! quickly come back jebal -- ur lovely posi fairy


(cont) anyway, a smile a day keeps the doctor away so i hope that you'll always be happy and healthy!! - your posi fairy ♡


hey tao!! has today been an incredibly nice day for you? i hope it has!! please don't forget to smile, you look the best when you're smiling!! although you look great all the time anyway so. i'm not sure where i was going with this i. welps. (cont)


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hyeribean, wherefore art thou my lovely hyeribean? i just want you to know that you lift my mood whenever i see you tl~


hey kenken its your posi fairy here ~ you're so sweet and kind even though i don't talk to you a lot,, be happy okay? dont let anything ruins your cute smile.


hey hoshi,, have a great day and always be happy okay? thank you for talking to me a lot you're the only one who I'm so close with? its so embarrassing to tell who am i,,, don't forget to eat all your meals and smile a lot,


hey hoshi! i bet you know who this is, aaa. thank you so much for being active and we're just so happy to have you. i hope you've been sleeping well and smiling lots, yeah? sincerely, your posi fairy.


you know that feeling when the person you love the most hurts you. and trying not to show your pain hurts even more. but what can i do when i miss that person so much..

MESSAGE RECEIVED : wheezes. i know that feeling so much because i've been through it. but what can we do tbh? we can only hope for them to be happy. dont you want to see the person you love feel happy? or is it that you want them to be happy with you? either way, everything doesnt revolve around love between two person. hey, we are all here for you alright? if you need anyone to talk to or feel loved, everyone is here for you. no need to hold back or feel shy. we all know what does pain means. so yeah, stay strong and just remember that we're here for you. saranghaja ♡

hani dear, it's the weekend, yes? do take this time to rest up and catch up on all the things you've missed in the week, especially your sleep! I haven't gotten to talk to you, but I'm sure you're amazing. smile and turn people on with those teeth of yours! jk but yes, much love from your fairy, aha


AYE JUNHYUNG YOUR LOVABLE POSI FAIRY HERE AGAIN! :) Are you a magician? Because whenever I look at you, everyone else disappears! Help, somethings wrong with my eyes - I just can't take them off you. :'D I'll be Burger King and you be McDonald's, I'll have it my way, and you'll be lovin' it. :)


mint! i haven't seen you all day today. :/ i hope you're doing fine and that you're sleeping enough and having your meals on time! this is reminder that you're the best and will always be enough!! i love u and i hope everything goes well for you! - p.fairy


hello seul~! good morning to you! i honestly don't have anything to say right now.. i just hope that your day will go well? yeah. take care. - your posi fairy ☆


ring ring ring. k k k kei's hot posi fairy here. winks. o. are you busy sleeping? or with work? i didn't see you today- but i wasn't really on anyway. anywAY. good luck with what ever you're busy with!! < 3


i love deliver a lot from hwasa with love ♡

MESSAGE RECEIVED : deliver loves you a lot too hwasa kya!!! thank you for being here!!! ♡

raveeeeeeh! your posi fairy here! i'm sorry that i didn't get to send you a message yesterday... how'd your exams go? you probably aced it, didn't you!? every hard work pays off, so i know you will. wooow, i'm very proud! keep proving that you're the best because really, yOU ARE THE BEST!! ♡


[9] Minju. I hope you're feeling better than earlier. Keep your head up because negative moods and bad days don't last.



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