
Yamile Fuentes

Ask @Yaaami123

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fave people from each class go

1st : Avid squad
2nd : Andrea, Javier, Sal, Ricardo, David, Jose, Dante and Derek Zylstra is pretty cool
3rd : same as 1st
4th : everyone I guess lol

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Tbh. Idk you. You seem nice, hmu sometime.

thanks :) I think I saw you earlier playing basketball, I was walking with my grandma haha

Tbh Yamille I've known you for a really long time because of Girls inc. But we haven't talked :/ you're really sweet and funny from what I could remember. Les should catch up sometime ! :))

Thanks :) and I texted you last night but idk if you received it?

Tbh: I haven't seen for a long time hmu! We should go shoot the ball or something (:?

Yeah I'm down! I haven't played in a while, what's your #?

tbh: I haven't talked to you in so long but you say hi sometimes (: your pretty

dude fr! hope you're doing good! & thanks :)

I don't even know you , I go to dphs , but someone told me that you try to fit in with the "cool" people it's like nah be you , be yourself

Was that other comment supposed to offend me? & just cause many people talk to me doesn't mean I'm trying to fit in. I've always been me, haha nothing will ever change that, so remind me again how I'm trying to fit in?

Keep doing you stay in school and be s nerd

I have a feeling I know who this is hahaha. Thanks kid, keep doing you do drugs, drink, and disobey your parents, it'll get you SOOO far!!! :-)

Haha so what now you think your a bad ass for not listening to the sign HAHAHAHAHA



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