
Lee Yew Chern

Ask @YewChern

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If you could only keep five possessions, what would they be?

Camera, sketchbook, pencil, eraser and sharpener.

Do you remember life without technology? What was it like?

Back then, I spent days playing with toys, drawing, or using the magnifying glass to burn leaves. So much time spent, compared to the fast technological world we live in now. So little time.

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Are you a hot weather or cold weather type of person?

I love cold weather, the chills remind me of human warmth.

How often do you go to parties?

As often as people invite me to them.
meaning it could be a lot or none

What do you do to fall asleep?

Think about all the past experiences and how it affects my future :)
Imagine all worse case scenarios, and be glad they never happened.

If someone wrote a biography about you, what do you think the title should be?

Life & Death of Captain Ironic Man

What are you thankful for today?

That, I still have brothers in arms.
Even though I've never really deserved it.
Thank you bros, you know who you two are :)

almost 60 questions, hope you don't find me annoying lol what do you feel most proud of?

asyhebcyjnjsggdbnjkhgfcdgfcghcgvhjb’s Profile PhotoMan Nee
well, the most thing I'm proud of, is that I have the ability to surprise myself from time to time

If you could talk with only one person for the rest of your life, who would it be?

You and I both know who that person is.

can you write with both hands left and right

Right, yes.
Left, never trained, but I can draw with it.
((but I believe if I practice with it I can, anything is possible 🙆

what type of music do you listen to

oooh, that's a tough question, you'll have to see what's playing on my phone ((cause I listen to a large range of music types, and as long as I like the tune and lyrics, I'm all good :D

do you like clowns

hmmm never really thought about them, but I'm cool with them hahaha
the last time I went to a circus was when I was 8 years old, saw the clowns funny acts lol


Language: English