
Sierra Lynn

Ask @YoullBeMyWings

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I was jw because I asked her what she thought of u

I don't understand why..
I don't know the girl.
If she treats Kai good, than she's fine in my judgement.

Tbh, girrrrrl you're flawless! Can you just model already or some shizzzz!? ☺️ You're such a sweetheart and you seem like someone id get along with! I hope we get closer during the school year! Hmu soooon ❤️

Aw thanks sweetie <3
I will (:

your answer to what you usually forget

Okay cause if I fight with someone and they get mad and tell me they hate me and then we talk like months later and they say I hate you remember .
Like no.
I don't remember.
Happens all the time yaknow


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