

Ask @alexandrartiaga

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What are still doing up? Don't you need your beauty sleep? :)

lol ugh yeah. i dont rly feel like it but i know i should cus i gotta wake up really early tmro ): i am so gunna regret this tmro morning haha

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If you can change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

thats a good question. uh im not so sure

If you had three wishes what would you wish for? (and you cant wish for more)

that cancer and any other diseases did not exist, that the people around me are always healthy and lastly, money

are there any sec 4s that you find cute or attractive? could you name a few?

bousquet, bucholz, anthony r, nick, anthony i, xavier and im not sure who else

Who are your best Friends at Chambly ?

my best friend is natasha but my closest friends in no order are fanny, maryna and luca

yahh true they never last these weekends -.- and it was ok nothing too exciting lol

lol aww. why are you anonymous haha

Has anyone asked you to prom yet? or do you have a prom date?

ive been asked but no i dont have a prom date


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