
Alexis Hoffman

Ask @alexisshoffmann

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You and Jessica are like the hottest best friends. Ur both super sweet and beautiful. U guys make me cry because your so perfect as best friends. Please never stop being friends

Aw thank you<3 I promise we will never stop being friends. She's my boo<3 I need her in my life cuz she makes it so much better. She makes me feel like I'm worth something and I love being her friend. I love her more than I can ever express<3

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Lol ugly

Aww thank you. You're too kind<3 please come off of anon so I can compliment your looks too

Anon learn how to spell an anon you have an ugly personality so go wash your mouth with some fertilizer cause that's more attractive then you anon Alexis you are amazing ily

Thank you so much<3

Fuck this anon they're jealous of you, don't let them bring you down. You're beautiful :)

Thank you so much <3 you're sweet

Anon she's not ugly bur you wanna know something anon you got an ugly personality and I bet anon your not that pretty but Alexis your stunning ily

Aw thank you. Who is this? :)

why do all the bitches on this ask say "I have no friends". when did that become the "it" thing to say? Are we supposed to all feel bad for them? seriously, stfu - I don't get it - thristy hoes

That's awk cuz I say that too haha
Liked by: Kayla Amati


Language: English