

Ask @anisafiqah

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Would you rather be able to speak any language fluently or have the ability to talk to animals?

Speak any language fluently, well that's because I don't really like animals

Allah already has the perfect solutions to problems you don’t even have yet. So never lose hope in Allah.  #ask me

Yes, totally agree with that. Your link dear? 😊

If you could live in any fictional universe what would it be?

A world where there is no discrimination (its not that fictional tho 😂😂)

Why is it so hard for people to just let others be happy? 😔

Because people are selfish. They probably won't be satisfied if other people than themselves are happy.

Perempuan sekarang memang suka lelaki sado sado ka? Penat ja habang jadi pelawak nak buat perempuan gelak, sado jugak korang pilih 😂😅😂

I personally tak kisah hahhaha, and saya prefer laki yang lawak and kuat mengusik hahaha.


Language: English