

Ask @Ankayo123

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but could someone who attempted to rape change and feel real remorse be then (not excused) but somewhat forgiven

forgiveness is something we only do for selfish reasons so for example, if someone i knew raped someone, and i was not okay with it, if i would forgive them, i'd do it only because i still wanted to still keep in touch with them, and if someone does something unforgivable, but then changes i mean they're still the same person they just react in the different ways, so i guess if the question was if i were in this situation, i would probs somewhat forgive someone like you said, but still wouldn't accept what they did

on the topic of rape do you think if someone is under the influence of drugs and alcohol they could be excused for it

no because whether or not you take drugs or drink alcohol you're still yourself

since you watched gossip girl do you think chuck can be forgiven for trying to rape two girls in season 1

the act of forgiveness is a debatable topic but attempting to/raping someone is a complete disregard of basic human rights and i find it disgusting.. so no

Did u do anything cool today?

in my opinion yes, my day basically consisted of drawing and in the afternoon i went xmas shopping and skyped mandzior :)

Which three things would you take to a deserted island?

can it be five and if so then waughy, matty, george, adam and ross


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