
anna browne

Ask @annaabrownee

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What 3 countries would you most like to visit?

Australia, (ik it's not a country but...) Hawaii, and idk the last one but most likely somewhere beautiful

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How many pillows do you sleep with?

A body pillow and two pillows on top. Yep my head is pretty comfortable at night. Explains all the weird dreams I've been having lol

whats ur schedule for next half

Pre-calc with Simone
Religion with kusch
Italian w/ iaccarino
Marine bio with dowd why?

If you were a different gender, what name would you want to have?

I like the name hunter for some reason kinda weird

What product or service do you think is ridiculously overpriced?

Gas... Man that shits expensive! I'm a teenager.. I work in a fast food restaurant. I don't got no high ass big shot job! they should have like a different price for teens (and yet I say this on behalf of all those that have a car and can't pay for gas because I don't have a car or a job haha)

If you could invent a holiday what would it be?

the no-school-forever-holiday, where we dont have to go to school anymore because we are on "holiday" :)

What is your favorite non-social networking website?

what do you expect... I'm a girl so of course its gonna be NETFLIX <3

Who do you think is the most beautiful person in the World?

i cant answer this (even though im answering it ... haha) because everyone is beautiful in their own way, whether is physical appearance, the way they laugh, or even their personality just depends on what you prefer
Liked by: Megan Camarote

You are allowed one beverage for the rest of your life. What would you choose?

Water... It's the healthy choice no sugar and it keeps you quenched
Liked by: Jenna M

Would you rather be a lonely genius, or a sociable idiot?

Lonely genius as long as it only lasts in high school, then I could be a sociable genius in college :)


Language: English