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I really appreciate this account, it's a good initiative! Keep it up<3

good, thank you will do! :) <3
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Yesterday, I had a breakdown at school and cried because I realized that I'm not doing anything I love. I love to draw, paint, write and ride horses but I have no time for it because I spend all my time cramming for exams, and I absolutely hate cramming. I don't kno what to do to feel happy again.

i think everyone feels like this at some point, you're not alone! if you dont mind me asking how old are you? i think if you're taking gcse's or a levels then they should be your priority but they dont last forever! if they are just little tests at school that dont count for anything major i think you should really try and fit more of the things you love to do! lifes too short to just do things that you have to do all the time. you'll realise one day how silly you were for ever getting so stressed! the things that you love to do will take your mind of things aswell which is obviously a good thing too! tell your teachers how you feel aswell they will understand if you tell them in the right way, they were all school children once. xx

if you dont mind me asking, how old are you?

its fine, im 15, nearly 16! i know im young but ive been through alot so im happy talking to others about anything:)
Liked by: Hayley Uptergrove

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Hi I really like this one boy and i think he likes me aswell but how can i be certain & how can i really show him that i like him ALOT!? x x x

talk to him about it! if you think he likes you then he probably does! just bring it up in a conversation casually so it doesnt make it awkward for you both. just be yourself around him and just keep smiling looking into his eyes just be all cute aha xxxx

he knows i like him and everything! he does try flirting but sometimes i mail him and he ignores mee soo he sends me mixed messages.. x

oh right well atleast he knows! ah right, i dont think you should think that he doesnt like you, maybe he reads it and completely forgets to reply, i know i do! i think you should just keep talking to him like you are then and see where it leads to! it will all work out in the end, trust me:) xx

im a lesbian and im scared to tell my parents

honestly, i know so many people that are in this position, you're not alone. i think your parents will be completely understanding, they love you for who you are whether you're a lesbian or straight! they will be more upset at the fact that you're scared to tell them. sit them down and tell them how you feel, for all you know you could be bi or it could be a phase(not saying that its not). let me know how it goes:) xx
Liked by: Mahrukh Ahmad

Language: English