
the real trucker

Ask @asktrucker

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What's your favorite snack food?

Is a blt a snack ? If so then give me as many of them as you bloody can , that is the best snack ever and will beat your snack any day

How many hours a day do you spend watching TV?

Somedays none others heaps , depends on how I feel ,ask me something more interesting , question of the day is so boring

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Have you ever thought or really tried to give up somking cause your a walking ciggarette machine or at least thought about cutting down?

Wow things are getting real up in here aren't they , yes I've tried to stop smoking and it didnt happen , I've thought about trying again but I don't feel ready , I know that sounds odd but if you aren't ready to stop then chances are you won't stop

How often do you change your mobile phone?

i have only changed it 3 times my whole life and one of those was only because someone stole the one i had

Who would win in a fight Jesues or Ali?

Chuck Norris called the fight off and neither wanted to go against his word for fear of what would happen

If you had syphilus and you had the chance to have sex with your dream girl would you tell her or say nothing.

Ok so we all know there is a point when questions get too scewy and this is it

Do you think Jesus would of been any good in the sack considering he was the son of god

I'm not sure , I guess if you get to heaven you could ask him

If you could fight any musician who would it be?

I don't really fight , but there is a list I would punch then run as fast as I can't lol

Have you ever done a fart so bad that it has left a abnormally prolonged scent within the vicinity of the release of such an extreme odorous gas? Just courious cause my bed still has a bit of tang from this morning flatulence epidemic that was going on within my bowels should seek medical advice?

I don't think what you did was fart in your bed but something much worse , don't see a doctor but do wash your sheets

Who would you turn gay for and you cant choose pete wentz

now i know that this is someone i know because i said this the other day lol easy answer , William Beckett lol i have been asked this question in real life before so i already have an answer lol

If you had an outrageously itchy anus in public( like somewhere really busy or even if you were meeting blink 182) would you scratch it or wait for somewhere private

these questions are great, who asked them lol are we talking like right up in there is itchy or just around the sides? cos if its the sides then i would go to town and scratch away lol

Who is the craziest person you know?

that would be my mate Ben, not even making any jokes here , i work with a guy that is also named Ben who is exactl like me, the things we have in common is crazy freaky

What’s the first thing you did when you woke up today?

freaked out because i slept in, the the same stuff i always do, smoke and check emails

What is your favorite black and white movie?

black and white, god i dont watch that kind of stuff , not even for a laugh

What are you waiting for?

what exactly do you mean? i wait for a lot of things, buses, movies to start and other things , i think you need to be more detailed in this question

Which historical event would you have most liked to attend?

i have the worst answer to this but even i cant make that joke

Do you believe that playing is more important than winning?

god no, i dont play if im not going to win, thats just stupid and a waste of my time


Language: English