Ask @baekjei

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What angers you the most?

Something which takes too many times (like waiting your phone or pc responding again), repeated words, waiting for more than 10 mins, the goals you've set are not achieved.
Well, I'm simply temprament.

What movie star would you most like to meet?

Maunya pap sebenernya tapi foto dua lainnya ilang gitu hix.
-Robert Downey Jr.
-Johnny Depp
-Freddie Highmore
-Skandar Keynes

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What's your favorite slang word?

Apa ya semenjak aku tau exo semakin banyak slang yg aku ketahui. Mungkin.........apa saja yg diucapkan mereka.

kak bikin plot baekhyun lagi doooong

Hemmmmm hem hem hem aduh tentang apa ya tentang ini aja ya berhubung gue lg pusing mpktb (sticker line character blow a fuse)
"Heyy baby" Baek backhugged me in all of a sudden, membuatku terlonjak kecil.
"Yah! Kapan nyampenya sih kamu? Kaget tau" I said sambil mengelus dadaku, sementara ia masih mengalungkan tangannya di leherku.
"Baru aja hehe, aku ucapin salam daritadi gaada yg jawab makanya aku lgsg kesini deh.." he kissed my cheek softly, and then he smiled. He's sweaty and sticky after practice, aku cubit lengannya.
"Bau deh kamu ih lengket"
"Biarin aja yg penting cakep kan"
Sekarang aku pukul pipinya, "apaan sih males banget deh"
"Hummm sakiiit" he pouted, rubbing his cheek, setelah itu ia kalungkan lagi lengannya, namun kini turun ke pinggang. "lagi apa siiih?"
"Nyari bahan kuliah... ga ketemu ketemu ih sebel."
"Yaampun... udah ntar aja sini sama aku dulu ah" he turns me around, leaning his forehead to mine "I miss you a lot"
"You just left for 8 hours baby" I caress his cheek, lengket, pasti dia belum cuci muka juga.
"1 menit pun bisa terasa lama kalo ga sama kamu" he pouted again, I pinch his lips "Ihhhh cheesy banget sih males ah"
"Biarin aja ah..." he look me in the eyes, "boleh kiss gak?" our noses are touching, this is the most comfortable position ever.
"Humm boleh gak ya?"
He smiled, "berarti boleh"
He leaned closer, placing his lips on mine softly. It lasts for 30 seconds.
I was the first who release it, "hmm? udah gih ah mandi.. lengket banget gaenak ntar tidurnya.."
"Mmm iya iyaa" he kissed my cheek and pecked my lips, smiling cheekily before striding to bathroom happily.
"My baby baek..." I said lowly, smiling at his presence.

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Where is the coldest place you have ever been and what was the temperature?

Somewhere in West Java, I forgot the name. It's less than 7 degrees at night.

When was the last time you screamed?

Barusan. Gara2 kelas cancel ketika seharusnya hari ini kuis. (iya gue belom siap) (jadi) (YEHEEEEEET)


Language: English