Ask @baekjei

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Who's your favorite actor and what was his or her best role?

-Robert Downey Jr.: Iron Man of course, the great and cool Tony Stark
-Johnny Depp: Hmm he always do his best so... he's the best in all of his movies! But maybe my favorite is in Alice in Wonderland.
-Freddie Highmore: in August Rush and Spiderwick, he's good there!
Depp and Highmore were once acted in the same movie (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) and I hope three of them or maybe Depp and Downey can act in a same movie too!

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kak jei kamu bisa gambar ga?

Bisa bisa aja sih, but my drawing gak terlalu bagus gitu. Hehe ini tadi coba bikin muka betenya Baekhyun pas liat question kamu (ga mirip tapi)
Liked by: faizah

about following back your followers

Yes I admit that I am picky. Karena gue orangnya gampang tersinggung dan sensitif sama hal2 yg gak gue suka. Gue jg gaksuka unfollow orang. Males kalo nanti udah gue follow trs gue ternyata gaksuka cara dia ngetweet dan gue jd kesel sendiri. And I usually follow people that I know or those who have similar friends as mine.

kak baekhyun kalo pacaran gimana sih gayanya

Coba tanya ke baekhyunganteng dek.
Haha hmm jadi begini:
-Bawel namun sabar
-Tabah namun ternyata cemburuan
-So sweet
-So childish
-So bikin melting
-Kalo udah marah serem
Ya sekian statement dari saya okbye,,
Liked by: radithaa

kak kalo lg ga buka twitter trs nganggur, kamu ngapain?

Main laptop, buka path, dengerin lagu, buka snapchat, cek fansite, chatting, dan.....lovey dovey atau berantem sama baekhyun ((hehe)) ((iya aja))

Do you like people noticing your existence?

Ya of course lah? Everybody, except the introverts, would like people noticing their existence. (btw gue bener kan ya yg tertutup itu introvert?)

Is there any weakness in you that you think is strange?

I'm afraid of wide smirks or smiles. Even when I see myself smiling too widely, I will be afraid. I don't like the cat in Alice In Wonderland, I hate V For Vendetta.

halo jeii aku baru baca birthday wishes dari kamu :) terima kasih ya doanya sweet sekali hehe aminn, terima kasih sekali lagi :)

AndiniSaras’s Profile PhotoAndini Saras
Hehehe aku aja lupa kak kasih wishes apa....... ._. iya sama2 kak Araaa :) :)

mau liat dong kak foto ulzzangnya hehehe

Hehehe abis nyari, aku nyimpennya di laptop. Btw yg imut bkn Kyuhwan namanya. Oh Jung Kyu ternyata ekek dan I actually like him more bcs he is cuter!

suka ulzzang gitu gak? favoritnya siapa?

Dulu suka banget sama Park Taejun hiks dia ganteng banget♥ sama satu lagi yg lebih imut kalo gasalah namanya Kyuhwan deh tapi dia udah punya cewe, fotonya sama cewenya mulu :"(


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