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kesel banget Baekhyun tepe banget baru ketemu minta ditabok

"Ota mau ditepein juga pake bunga mawar?" -Baekhyun

sekarang Baekhyun jadi florist. in English. (hahahahhahaha) (mampus) (gue)

Anjir. Gue gatau apa2 soal bunga nih. Jangan marah if I put up a cheesy line yea :p
So here he is, ready with his red plaid apron to cover his white shirt from the soils or any dirt from his works.
Baekhyun has been doing this job for almost half a year, being the only guy florist in his aunt's floral shop.
His aunt that holds him form signing out because the shop becomes really crowded since he starts working here --especially with girls buyers.
The day runs normally, he sells flowers, making nice flower buckets, receiving dollars, and saying thanks.
Until a customer comes and stops him from doing his activity.
"Umm... c--can I help you?" Baekhyun says groggily.
The customer is just another girl, his cousin will tell him like that. But for him, this one is special, and he doesn't know why.
"Yeah... uh... I want to buy a flower.. or maybe a bucket."
"May I know the recipient?"
"Uhm I... I just wanna buy it for my room... I heard that you have nice flowers here" She says as she bites her lower lip, eyes wandering around the flower garden. "They are really pretty."
"You know what... I think you suits this place"
"What?" The girl turns around, confused with Baekhyun's words.
"Yeah, you're as pretty as them."
The girl blushes because of the cheesy line that Baekhyun picked.
"You're exaggerating."
"No... no I'm not. I don't tell lies."
"Okay..." the girl turns silent, making the atmosphere becomes more awkward.
"Ah... you wanted to buy flowers for yourself, didn't you?"
She nods.
"I'll wrap it up for you.. Please wait..."
Baekhyun walks to the room to wrap some flowers and come out after 8 minutes. Giving the flowers with trembling hands.
"I'm not good in picking flowers, I'm still a fool in telling the meaning or flowers but I know that rose is good. Here... I included baby's breath too. Hope you like it..beautiful."

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Liked by: L I Z A J A E

bahasa sunda (gak) bebas sih asal bukan sandi morse ajah

Baiklah,,, Bahasa Indonesia kalo gitu. Selamat menimati.
"Halo? Halo siapa nih ayo cepet ngomong" Baekhyun yang sedang sibuk dengan tugas-tugas kuliahnya bicara tergesa-gesa sambil tetap menulis di sebuah kertas folio.
"Kak! Ini aku iiiih belajar mulu ih kakak pasti!" dari kejauhan terdengar suara nyaring yang familiar di telinga Baekhyun karena sudah 11 tahun selalu terdengar di hari-harinya.
Baekhyun pun segera meletakkan penanya dan memegang ponselnya dengan baik, "Hehe iya kenapa sih dek, pr kakak banyak tau..."
"Kaaak. Panaaaas. Tau gak sih kaaaak."
Baekhyun pun segera melongok ke arah jendela, matahari bersinar begitu terik. Namun tentu Baekhyun tidak merasakannya di dalam kamar yang bersuhu kurang lebih 19 derajat celcius. "Hehe iya panas terus kenapa? Mau dijemput?"
"Hehehe iyaaa. Jemput dong kaaak. Capeeek..."
"Jemput gak yaa. Males ah panaaaas."
"Kakaaaaaakkkk" Adik Baekhyun pun protes, mengganggu Baekhyun dengan suara nyaring yang disengaja.
"Sssstt aduuuh. Iya iya ah kakak bercandaa. Udah kamu tunggu di kelas aja ya biar kakak jemput." Ujar Baekhyun sambil menutup buku dan membereskan kertas-kertasnya.
"Bener ya kaaak?"
"Iyaaa bener ini kakak udah beres-beres kok."
"Beliin es krim juga yaa kakkk hehehe"
"Aduuuh bawel banget sih kamu? Hmm?"
"Ungggg kakaaaaak"
"Iya iyaaaa. Iiih udah mau SMP juga. Masih ngambekaaan aja."
"Biariiiiin, mau es kriiiim."
"Iyaaa mau es krim apaa?"
"Apa aja hehe asal jangan rainbow ya kaaak"
"Iya iya yaudah kamu masuk sana."
"Hehe aku sayang kakak!!"
"Kakak sayang kamu juga hehe"
Baekhyun pun segera mengambil kunci mobilnya dan pergi menjemput adiknya yang kepanasana di sekolah, meninggalkan tugas-tugasnya yang sudah membuatnya menolak ajakan temannya untuk pergi jalan-jalan, namun tidak untuk menjemput adik kesayangannya.

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kalo gitu aku mau dibikinin Baekhyun jadi abang dari seorang anak perempuan kelas 6 sd

Mau bahasa indonesia apa inggris nih shay. Hasil tergantung bahasa wkwkwkwk

it seems like you love 'daddy baek' so much hehe can you make a scenario?

Hehe are you the same anon from the two previous questions? I love your questions! Untick your anonymous please :(
"Eum... daddy..." Baek's little boy moves as his eyes fluttering open. He got no one beside him, there should be his daddy there. His little figure slowly slides down the bed and walks clumsily to find Baekhyun.
"Daddy..." He calls with a cracked voice, rubbing his eyes.
Baekhyun turns his head around to see his boy walking sleepily towards him, he immediately stands up and walks to the kid.
"Hey..." Baekhyun squats down to lift his child up, "when did you wake up hmm?" He asks, combing the kid's messy hair softly.
"I just woke up and found no daddy... So I got up and find you..." The kid says sadly as he wraps his arm around Baekhyun's shoulder.
"Mmm sorry... Dad just went to drink water and sit for a while... Did you sleep well?" Baekhyun says as he rubs his child's back.
The kid nods happily as he smiles.
"Daddy! I want to play with daddy today! Play a loooot of things."
"Of course! We should play together today! I just bought a set of mini train station, let's finish that, yes?"
"Yes! Yes!" The kid smiles, which is really contagious so that Baek smiles as well.
"But let's eat first! Mom has waited! Wuuuushhh choo choo!" Baekhyun says as he runs to dining room, still holding his child really tightly in his arms. "Mommyyy, we're hungryyy"

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Liked by: del moondust o

mention things that you like from each members of exo

Xiumin: I really love his calm personality, he has that charm that can melts you down easily. He's charming effortlessly.
Luhan: his efforts to be called manly regardless of his undeniably cute face. His confidence of laughing really widely, not caring about face control when he's happy♡
Kris: his personality, he's really a 4D. He can be really cool at most of time, melting you down with his handsome and cold image. But then he can be really sweet and fluffy. And of course he can be really stupid too, deliberately or not, but I like it the most. He put aside his image just to make others feel happy.
Suho: he doesn't get that 'suho' name for nothing, he is indeed a guardian and you may say that I'm exaggerating but he's really an angel in my eyes. He gives his all for EXO, he tries his best to be a good leader for all..... haha sometimes I really want to cry because of touched by what he does.
Lay: his 'mong' expression, his loving personality, Lay is sometimes unpredictable. He's that type of person with unique humor sense. He can make up funny stuffs and make others laugh while himself doesn't. It's cute! Like seriously, he is cute and sweet inside and outside!
Baekhyun: his bright personality, he knows that he's known as one of the moodmakers so he always try to be a good moodmaker. He can be really cute effortlessly too and I love it. And he's that type of person who can't hide his disappoinment, I actually don't like seeing him disappointed but figuring it out really often makes me think it's cute (hehe even his pimples are cute to me)
Chen: his humble personality, he is talented and he knows it, he shows it but he does not 'show-off'. His bright personality attracts me as well as Baekhyun's, his loud laugh is also attracting xD
Chanyeol: tbh as the time goes by, cool image suits him more so I like it on him. He's super handsome He's really kindhearted too, he's much like Suho. Really charming.
D.O: his silent personality, idk but it's really cool to me. He is really calm but different with Xiumin. Xiumin is warm but D.O is colder. He laughs when it's needed. But the loving personality of him would never be able to be hidden.
Tao: his manly side. He can melt me down, like really, when he looks manly. I don't really like his 'girly' side because it doesn't suit him at all. But he's cute when denying something kkk
Kai: his laugh. HIS LAUGH. Geez, nothing but his laugh and smile and that cute and kiddy side of him. It melts me more than his sexy side.
Sehun: his witty and naughty-kid personality, it still suits him well. He's like that kid next door who knocks on your door then run when you're going to open it. He is forever a cute naughty maknae in my eyes.

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If you could ask one person one questions and get a completely honest answer who would it be and what would you ask?

Menurut kamu aku gimana?
((dor dor dor)) ((seakan2 buka mulut aja sanggup))

Kakkk gimana kalo exo di ui? Masuk fakultas apa?

Hooooooooo ole ole ole
Xiumin: Matematika
Luhan: Sastra Cina (gatau ini udah mutlak aja sih)
Kris: tetep Manajemen
Suho: tetep Manajemen
Lay: Arsitektur/Kedokteran
Baekhyun: Ilmu Komunikasi
Chen: Hubungan Internasional
Chanyeol: Teknik Sipil
D.O: Kedokteran
Tao: Kriminologi
Kai: Teknik Mesin
Sehun: Teknik Industri
Ini suka2 gue aja tbh hahahahahha
Liked by: Ghina Zain J

aigu baekhyun dijadiin anak fisip KYAK KYAK GETER AMIN MAU JADI ANAK FISIP

IYALAH udah cocok banget doi jadi anak kom lah yahoey. CIE SEFAKULTAS CIE.

kak jei pap predebut baekhyun favorit dong

Caption: "Bitch, I'm fabulous"
((aku sayang kamu baekhyun)) ((♥♥))

kak exo kalo di FE cocoknya jurusan apa??

Xiumin: Ilmu Ekonomi/ Ilmu Ekonomi Islam
Luhan: Bisnis Islam
Kris: Manajemen lah yoey
Suho: Manajemen
Lay: Akuntansi
Baekhyun: Manajemen
Chen: Akuntansi (tbvh cocokan masuk HI nih abang wa)
Chanyeol: Manajemen
D.O: Akuntansi
Tao: Ilmu Ekonomi (asli ya sebenernya Tao cocokan masuk Kriminologi)
Kai: Manajemen so pasti
Sehun: Akuntansi

Gak capek apa kak ngestan baekhyun miring begitu

Kasih mizone dong biar ga miring lagi, bikin semangat oke lagi!
(sekarang tau alasannya?) (karena aku juga sama miringnya) (luvluv)

kak kenapa banget sih itu baekhyun foto ngadep atas gitu......

Lagi ngga ada kerjaan di kosan jadinya foto jelek2 bareng temen sekosan "oi oi ngadep atas dong biar saik" /cekrek/ "woke mantep"

tapi cocoknya baekhyun unpad deh akang asep gitu....

Iya boleh deh unpad juga boleh tapi takdirnya tetep jadi anak komunikasi, ga bakal ekonomi, teknik, apalagi mipa.

kalau baekhyun anak ui cocoknya jurusan apa ya???

Baekhyun ya pasti anak FISIP lah Komunikasi. Dari personality udah bawel2 cocok banget jadi yang merajai RTC UI 107.9 FM yahoey. Tampang udah asik banget cocok lah di FISIP tinggal dipakein baju yang sesuai lingkungan udah deh "ah kak baekhyun tuh dari kom ganteng banget" "seru banget gila kocak" "sinting anjir itu orang"
(bonus foto mau pergi kuliah)


Language: English