
Brian Patrick Davis

Ask @blacksocialite

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What career would you have if you weren't working in the entertainment/music industry? Businessman? Doctor? Politician?

not a politician, defintely. and not a doctor. I honestly don't know. I have never really pursued anything else. I definitely was a performer when I was younger. I was heavily involved in theater and that consumed most of my youth. I could definitely see myself excelling and wanting to study something in interior decorating. and most people don't know, I have a talent for graphic design. so I probably would be doing that.

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Who or what are you easily influenced by?

easily influenced? I don't really know if that's the best thing to say, because I'm not easily influenced by anyone. I guess what my biggest influence is, would have to be music. MUSIC effects me a lot. it can change my mood, or add to it.

If Beyonce didn't exist, who would be your favorite living artist today and why? Would Rihanna be in the top five?

no, rihanna wouldn't. my favorite artist, aside from bey, is probably teedra moses. such a beautiful voice, such a talented songwriter. her first album is a classic. so underrated, it still gets spins.

What was college like for you? What kind of person were you back then? How did you manage your time back then, and did you ever feel impatient to just start your career already? Also, what are some of your best advice for the uninspired and unmotivated college student?

college was hard for me because I wasn't challenged. the social aspect was great, I love the people that I met back then, but it was hard for me to focus because I would much rather be in the studio and working events and stuff like that. my time was really not spent ofter at school and in classes.
I really don't want to give you any bad advice about what school because I didn't really do what I was supposed to do when I first got there. eventually, I buckled down but that was after just realizing that it was something I need to do. stick to it though, because you might gain some knowledge that you need from school that other people may not have.

Aside from ConceteLoop, what are some of your favorite blogs? Favorite magazines?

the only blogs I really visit frequently are rap-up.com, missjia.com and thatgrapejuice.net. I will frequently click links through on other blogs when links come through on my timeline, but those are the blogs I actually type through on my address bar.

Have you and the Broke & Boujee crew ever considered cranking up those parties again?

I WISH. god, that would be epic. at least if there were only just one! talk to @fadiakader. you gotta get her down here to atlanta and make that shit happen again! that would be so much fun.

Favorite 2012 album, single, music video, and new artist?

this is a hard question! I think that my favorite album of 2012 would have to be between miguel's, solange's and brandy's. single? music video? ugh. I don't even get into videos like that, but I guess I'd say I loved solange's video for "losing you." and cassie's "king of hearts." and new artist? I can't really think of anybody that came out and slayed this year that I absolutely lived for. aside from the yes ma'ams, of course. ;)

You mentioned that you were raped at 13. How has that effected you psychologically? How did you get through that?

I honestly got through it on my own. I didn't tell my parents or even really anybody until I was 17 or 18, so I really dealt with it on my own. I told myself that the reason it happened to me was because the guy that did it, who was a swim instructor of mine, saw something in me that I didn't. he knew that I liked men already, even though when I was 13, I wasn't fully aware of that. but he probably saw a young gay kid. and figured I'd like it. figured I'd enjoy it. that doesn't make it right, but that's always what I told myself in my head.
I don't know that it has taken me anywhere psychologically. I know I've had issues with intimacy in the past, but I think I'm through that. it really was something that I just dealt with on my own.

What do you think of the Nickelodeon classic "As Told by Ginger"?

it was one of my absolute favorites! do they still show it somewhere?

why did Donovan and his ex-boyfriend Kyle Ryan break up? Also what do you think of Kyle Ryan lookswise and personality-wise?

I don't know him.

Are you still friends with Donovan Blyden? If so, what do you think of him?

yes, we're still friends. I haven't seen him in almost a year and a half, but I love him to death. he is super sweet, and absolutely gorgeous.

Have you seen the new GQ cover with Beyonce practically nude, exactly how Rihanna was not too long ago? I thought she only stole writing credits, I guess not

is she practically nude or does she have on a shirt? get outta here.

How did you come up with the Yes Ma'ams? They're so different, can't wait to see what they bring this year!

the yes ma'ams was a collaborative effort between me and a couple of friends/business associates of mine. what they're bringing to the table in 2013 is going to slay. promise!

What's ur favorite movie and album of all time?

I think my favorite movie of all time is either "purple rain" or "factory girl." and my favorite album of all time, goodness gracious. I think it might be prince's "1999."

Do you think there's still hope for Keri Hilson's career?

what do you mean by "still hope?" regardless of what people think of keri hilson, she outsells most R&B/black girls in the game right now, outside of rihanna, alicia keys and beyonce. regardless of what people think about keri hilson, her chart performance is not bad at all. she also gets way more videos out than these other girls too.
so I'm not sure about what you mean it when it comes to "hope" for her career. the girls read her, but on the low, somebody's buying her albums. both debuted well, and she continues to put out singles. so... maybe you should rethink your question!

What's your ideal guy?

this question is hard and easy at the same time because everyone says the same thing. my ideal guy is loving, caring, affectionate and makes me feel safe. I like a guy that is honest, and appreciates me and allows me to take care if him. I like a guy that has ambition, and goals, and who supports me in all of mine. and as far as physically, I just like guys that are taller than me, usually.

How should I come out to my parents/family? I feel like they know already, I'm just scared to tell them. :/ I know they would accept it, it's just I don't know how to go about doing it. Or should I wait until I'm in a steady relationship.

well, let me ask you a question, first. if you feel like they already know, what has you scared to tell them? just the actual words? or how you start the conversation? if you're still afraid then maybe you should wait until you're a little more confident about letting them know officially. but you're probably right. if you feel as though they know and that they'd be accepting of it, they probably will be.
but if you're not comfortable right away, don't put any pressure on yourself to do or say something you're not ready to do.
I came out to my mom and dad when I was really young, and I actually just said it to them in casual conversation and it wasn't really a problem for them.

Do you think going to school for Journalism is beneficial? I feel like if your portfolio is everything and more, what's the point of school? Esp. for Journalism. random, I know.

I don't really know how beneficial it is. I think if your resume speaks for itself, then you don't need a piece of paper from a school that says that you can do something that you've already been getting paid to do. that's just my opinion!

Do you want kids? & How would you go about doing it?

I do want kids. really badly, actually. I haven't really given much thought as to how I'd get them yet, because I don't want to have sexual intercourse with a woman. and insemination is so expensive. and even though I think adopting is good, I want kids that are my own, that are a part of me. so I don't know. as I get older, I'll have to look into what my options are.


Language: English