

Ask @BlairWaldorfQueenB

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Hey guys! I'm planning on posting a giveaway vid this weekend where I'm planning to share some colorings, fonts, overlays, and vidding sources. I was wondering if there are any specific colorings(from my recent vids) that you all would want to see given away. =)

kellygirl2002’s Profile PhotoTenesha
ohhh awesome!

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Who are your favorite ships and why?

omg this is an impossible question
my top ships are:
spuffy, captain swan, frary, destiel, stydia, scallison, klaroline, haylijah, pacey/joey, zade, chair
and i have many reasons why for each couple, but i just can't explain it to you
Liked by: shybeauty❤︎

given society's expectations, do you believe it is easier to be a girl or a guy in today's world? what are some different obstacles or expectations that each gender has to overcome/live up to?

I think it's harder to be a girl, we are put under so much pressure to have the perfect face and the perfect body, and big but no too big boobs, and an ass and a flat stomach, and to dress perfectly.
We also are the ones who get periods and carry babies
guys in society are just expected to have a 6 or 8 pack and be tall.
so yeah girls definitely have it worse than guys do,

What kind of music are you interested in?

i have such a huge range of music that i listen to i don't have one or even two kinds of music i listen too, i have about 20 genres or so and over 100 different bands/artists

so i think that there are a lot of epic love stories which we know of (real ones or fiction) , to you which one is your favorite or the most memorable in your opinion ? like for me its Pride and Prejudice: Elizabeth Bennett & William Darcy . i love their story :)

mimz93’s Profile Photomia △
idk i really like the Notebook?!
Liked by: JONKA mia △

I know this is kinda a weird question - oh well... :D If you could only watch 3 shows for the rest of your life which ones would it be? :)

IIXxSunsetDreamsxXII’s Profile PhotoJacqueline
ohh god that is a hard one!
uhm definitely buffy and supernatural and i guess uhm teen wolf?! idk so hard!


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