

Ask @bosstosswes

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Do you think making saved accounts is stupid? Cuz then like all the good names are taken:(

yeah but it's like first come first serve

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lol watch you become tumblr famous in a week

well people would have to follow me back
which they aren't

Do you count calories?? I do... Oh and have you tried the ABC diet?? I'm starting tomorrow and idk if anyone else has done it but I thought I'd ask around :)

i would NEVER do the ABC diet. i believe in losing weight healthy way. in the end of all those fad diets.. you fuck up your body even worse and end up gaining weight in the long run. stop.

I'm also walking to the library right now it is quite far from my house but I'm almost there!:) my best friend came with me too haha we love you Gel !:) ❤

wow thats true dedication hashtag gelinator

Hii!(: your weight loss story has truly inspired me and shown me that it is possible to lose weight if you set your goals and your mind to it and that it's not gonna be easy but it is gonna be worth it so I wanna thank you for that(:

aw that was sweet well i'm glad what i was able to do two years ago has inspired you. sometimes i watch it for inspiration too.

I'm going all the way to the library to watch your video because my computer broke that is true dedication cause I hate the library


your video is so fucking funny omg

wow it's kinda bad. like all my others. im trying. i just had no car. and sundays are hard. and i always feel so much pressure because i'm the first of the week lmfao


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