

Ask @Brad_Ry

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tu eras como un hermano para mi we por que lo hiciste nunca te olvidaremos wichos 46 para siempre carnal se te va a extrañar we esos cotorreos we un dia de estos nos reuniremos y seguiremos los cotorreos #Q_E_P_D


What was the best movie of 2014?

Rocket Raccoon: YOU BETTER SAY MY MOVIE *loads gun*
Guardians of the Galaxy....even though I haven't seen it yet.
Rocket Raccoon: WTF.....THAT'S IT!!!

What was your most awkward moment?

hmmmm.....I have many...uh...walking in on my uncle having sex with some girl he picked up when I needed a ride in the morning.

If you won a contest and could go anywhere in the world, then where would you go? Why?

damn uh....There's a part of me that wants to say Colorado cause when I lived there everything was great. But I would say...Greenland. The ice and snow and all that.

Whats games have you quit playing, because it is super bad?

I have games like that? oh....SNK Vs Capcom Card Fighters DS. Glitch cause the game to lock up into black screen of death. Can't avoid the glitch either.

Is Invizimals: The Lost Kingdom better or worse than Sonic Boom?

I don't really know how bad Sonic Boom is. Invizimals is just boring better for kids to play.

Why do you persist in filling people's feeds with this attention seeking nonsense when you get asked decent questions then give moody aquard answers?! Looking through some of them it seams like you are asking your self questions , are you really that desperate for attention ?

Its just something I do. I'm not asking myself these questions at all. I have no idea what you mean by decent questions and moody answers. To be honest I'm just trying to make use of this site to the full. If I can't then I'll probably close this account. Besides compared to the massive amount of post I see my amount is nothing.
Liked by: Arsen


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