
Čåñdÿ Kāńę

So my boyfriend and I had sex the second day I started my period, his "precum" had got into my vagina and the next day I was bleeding less and now today my blood Is a brown color & I'm on my period for a whole week..why did my period stop so soon?

Because you're going to start growing a dick because you so fucking gay
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Latest answers from Čåñdÿ Kāńę

So I'm 13 and I like you but you be talking to that person down there your whole life story

I'm really confused right now? I have a girlfriend btw

Pic of ur prom proposal to your girl

There was also music, and when she walked out from her basement, there were sheets hanging from the patio so she couldn't see right away, all she could hear was the music☺️❤️

Language: English