

Ask @Morganlynn90210

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What is one thing that happened in your life that without it happening, you would never be where you are today?

if I would've never met jack... I wouldn't be here. he brought me into this amazing light out of my own darkness and saved me from myself.. I will always thank him for that. I love him so much. jack has saved me in a million and one ways. and I will forever be greatful for that.

Besides the fact most people know. Did you actually do it this time or were you "framed"

most people don't know actually. but thank you for assuming. people go through more than you think asshole. just because people hear rumors doesn't mean they're 100% true. have a great night though!(:

Do you like to act spontaneously or plan things? Why?

we like to make spontaneous trips down the hall to his bedroom😏😘
Do you like to act spontaneously or plan things Why

I can assure you, you don't know how somebody could take you're hurtful comments so before you post anything or text your friend something about this STOP. STOP BEING THE DAMN PROBLEM!! LEAVE HER BE! LEAVE HER ALONE! WHAT HAS SHE DONE TO PERSONALLY HURT YOU? nothing. so back off.

I love you❤️

we are friends. we don't talk anymore, but I care about you. and I've had enough of the crap going around school. nobody else is involved. so BACK OFF. stop calling her names, she doesn't deserve that. nobody does. imagine how she feels when you call her "sult"

thank you so much... please message me. I would love to start talking again. it means so much for you to say this.

have you even ever though about what just might happen if you say the wrong thing to the wrong person? understand that words hurt like a bitch. nobody deserves to he treated the way you all are treating her.

thank you so fcking much you have no clue how much I appreciate you sticking up for me. this means so much will you please message me. I literally love you you are one of the sweetest people I've ever talked to. if we're not friends I would love to be.

ru·mor ˈro͞omər/Submit noun 1. a currently circulating story or report of uncertain or doubtful truth. enough is enough. BACK OFF EVERYONE. yes the rumors are bad, but they're RUMORS. unless you were physically there, you're not involved.

wait for the last part.

I already understand that you're thankful, just by how surprised and shocked you are that someone cares is enough. keep your head up girl, it will blow over, I promise. in a week, I'll be faded. 2 weeks, nobody's talks, one month nobody even remembers is things are gonna get better for you. promsie.

thank you so much.. <3
Liked by: Lauren Morgan

this generation is so screwed up, that we're so gullible, that well believe anything if it's on social media. everyone complains about bully assembly well then STOP DOING IT. don't you understand that what you say actually hurts. "sticks and stones brake my bones but words won't hurt" bullshit.

youre my best friend please kik me.
seriously please, i need to thank you personally for sticking up for me.
Liked by: Lauren Morgan

effect her? you don't know the hell she probably has gotten from our "loving student community" yes, I know the rumors look bad. but you know what, what ever happend to "one family"? or "one team" "one Grand Haven" ? I honestly don't know what that even means anymore.

i dont know who this is but i love you so much. thank you so much.
Liked by: Lauren Morgan

makes you just as part of a problem. wake up grand haven. YOU'RE BULLYING HER. I don't know what happend, Niether do you. no matter what she did, she doesn't deserve this, she doesn't deserve ANY of this. nobody deserves that. have you ever stopped and thought how sending that question could

Liked by: Lauren Morgan

guys, even though the rumors have gone around, yes there's thousands. odds are 1 to million you know exactly what happend. but seriously stop the judgement. before you point fingers make sure your hands are clean. you may think you have no part in it, but by send morgan theses accusations

thank you whoever this is.. this means a lot.
Liked by: Lauren Morgan


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