

Ask @cannonbell

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What made you happy today?

prom definitely (-: the fact that there were pasta + friends +good music made things so great today ~

What does it mean when a bird poops on me?

err the bird thinks that i'm comfortable enough to actually poop on me?

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Which is the best book you have read so far?

Mitch albom's books are all great reads...but I'll go with the Kite Runner :)

hi rourou ;) will you miss me after july? will still be watching you from behind tho! C; anyways jiayous for mye! you can do it! :D <3 sorry for ranting so much to you today and thanks for listening and also helping me with work xD

HAHHA HI POTATO <3 Ofc will, craziest person i've met and really really awesome too (: Thank you you too! Go get the first! No probs ,really ;)

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