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HI HELLO im sorry i know 90% of the questions you get on here are demands and requests so ill make it quick. this is a weird kind of question but do you mind letting me know what kind of computer you edit with?? sorry for the bother ur honesTLY my fav vidder and i just wanted 2 know :)

HP Pavilion dv6 :)
and thank you!

How long does it approximately take you to make a video? Btw I love your videos they are amazing!

Thank you! And it honestly depends on the video + the length + mostly my inspiration xD Some videos I can make in a day, some I drag on for months... So it really has not set period hahahah

whats your favorite video you have ever made?

i think it's actually gonna be some of the ones im working on at the moment to be honest...
ive started quite a few awesome projects recently that im honestly ENJOYING editing for a change. the last few were so forced and made in such a rush...
but right now I have some videos that I'm very excited to finish, they will probably be uploaded this + next month and will probably go straight into my faves:
→ a Chanel Oberlin video (a ratchet one to a ratchet-ass song, obvi)
→ a Malia/Theo video (it's to such a cute song, and it fits them so well, in a happy/cute way honestly, it's so refreshing to edit)
→ a new AU/crossover ship (literally fell in love with them, and making manips with them comes SO easy! Cna't wait for you guys to see!)
→ a Queen Helena video that I just started today :D
→ I've also got quite a few one-on-one collabs coming up in the next few months which I'm VERY excited about because the editors I'm collabing with are just epic, and have incredible vidding skills! :D

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Liked by: capabaro Jer chris

Hey, can you give me the link to scream queens season 1 Hd logoless?

well you can try searching for them on kat.cr ?? :D

180 tracks? Gosh, I only use 3! ?

yeahh... i can get a little out of hand, but trust me its nothing compared to some of my friends xD
Liked by: IsAbelle

Gosh, how can you find yourself in so many tracks? If it was me I'd be lost hahahaha

i ammmm hahahah i hate it xD I really try my best to use the least amount possible but like at the same time im lazy so i just keep adding tracks. its a paradox, really.

You asked about the track thing for other vidders... But I was wondering how many tracks do you use since your videos are one of the most elaborate that I've ever seen? Congrats girl, you're one of the most talented vidders ever...

lmao thank you so much! aw <3
i already answered it here: https://ask.fm/charizzaard/answers/134301595513
but honestly it depends on every video, i guess for an average video it's about 30-40 tracks, but sometimes i really get carried away xD

how i can receive your questions?

i just send them randomly tbh, i started it as a joke, im not sure whether or not ill continue/if i'll have the nerves for it xD lemme know who you are so ill follow you and send them to you if i come up with any more of them!
Liked by: Rebecca

are there any ass sites except uloz that i can download tv shows on this takes me 3 eternities,i tried downloading like an ep of tw and after i waited for like 3 hours it said failed and i just

LOL how about torrents idk??? i only used uloz to download sherlock, but each ep took about 1-2 hours. idk torrents are faster and you can like re-start them if they crash or something

hey :) i saw ur answer about tracks and i wanna know something,i've never created more then 20 tracks,it's my max number but i can't finish my videos in 1 file,when i edit multifandom and close to finish it,after sv runs,it's freezing,so i edit like collab parts,do u have any idea why it's happens?

ive no idea, im sorry! :/ mine can work perfectly, even with like 120+ tracks. i guess it really depends on your computer, how fast it runs etc? honestly, i wouldnt know any other reason, ive been working with a load of tracks in mine for years now and it works normallly

hi can you please send a screenshot on how to mask the text so i can see my video as well aha tysm!

ummm. what do you mean? xD

i tried the cookie cutter but how do you make it go around the lyric ?

Its a transition... Give it some thought, its really not that hard, you can find the transition i used easily

how do you make oyur videos super hd? love ya x

ummm, i dont know? xD i get my episodes in 720p, i use convolution kernel or sharpen in my colorings and i render in 720p, theres not much else to it

alsooooo i love your videos so much yea your so talented ps how in your elena one last time on the lyrics one last time how did you get that font with the 2 lines going across? sorryif im asking alot hehe

you mean just the lines above and beneath the text?? literally just added two lines in a sample text and animated them with masking. you can also just add linear wipe as a transition

hiya in your elena gilbert one last time 0.55 seconds 'i dont care' lyric how did you get a box around your lyrics

just added a cookie cutter to an empty event!

in your selena gomez champayne, your intro up until 13 seconds omgg i loved it so much how did you get that lettering with triangles and the triangle background effect with selenas eye omg pls help

lettering with triangles?? xD i just made the triangle ''overlay'' myself, basically just animated a bunch of little triangles to move/zoom/spread and put them on a dodge track i guess??? not much else to it. and i dont really get what you mean with selena's eye, but i can probably guarantee you that whatever effect you meant, the answer is masking/panning lol
and thank youu<3

how long does converting mkv to mp4 usually take for one whole episode file?

mm that depends i guess, but for me it usually varies from 30-60 mins per episode. i usually leave stuff to convert when im out or when i sleep, cuz it usually
converts faster anyway when im not doing anything else on the pc

what about you? :D what is the biggest number of tracks you ever used for your videos?

ahhh i guess the MAX that i ever used was about 180, but that was back in the old days, i think nowadays the max i use is around 120 xD its too much though, and most of it cuz im lazy to search for other tracks. Like if i use a dodge track but i already have about 50 or so tracks in the project, theres noooo way imma search for that dodge track if i need it, so ill basically just keep adding more. this is why i normally dont ever have less than 20 tracks.. i had like 6 tracks on a Bonkai video i did and that was like a minimum. possibly the cleanest project i ever made xD
thanks for the question ahhah <3 my projects are always a mess lol


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